Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [adv] and [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 So he , he sat in the mess room there and checked his box against the tickets which were shown on the waybill .
2 He quickly got a corn broom , went out to the back porch again and brushed his footwear clean ; then he used the same broom to sweep the snow from the kitchen floor into a safe hiding-place under a scatter rug .
3 It was important to keep the canter steady but bouncy , keeping the activity with the inside leg and encouraging Benji to use his back end more and lighten his forehand .
4 Despite these complaints he is optimistic that several countries — Canada , Germany , Ireland and Denmark — will group together and take his case to the International Court of Justice , the principal judicial organ of the UN .
5 In the same week , they also got into his ground floor flat twice and stole his cheque book and card .
6 WATERLOO BOY gained sweet revenge over Katabatic in Exeter 's feature race yesterday and left his old foe 's big race plans in tatters .
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