Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun] [verb] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 Goschenen then is the place of decisions : whether to take the tunnel through to Italian-speaking Ticino and southern climes , or to proceed to Andermatt on the old Gotthard road which now climbs sharply up to cross the Reuss tributary and after some hairpin bends enters the forbidding rock walls of the Schollenen gorge which took centuries for road builders to master , first by bridle paths on suspended plank bridges and in more modern days by tunnels and galleries as well as daring bridges Emerging from the gorge the road crosses the Reuss waterfall on the " Devil 's bridge " and enters the wide Urseren valley in which Andermatt lies , occupying the strategic position at the " crossroads of Switzerland " or even of Europe — where the main west-east route carved out of the high alpine massif by the Rhine and Rhone rivers crosses the north-south route gouged out by rivers Reuss and Ticino .
2 permission from the Association of Northern Ireland Car Clubs to opt out of the NI championship for one year only , but they have agreed and so will be running the event for vintage , historic and class cars only , ’ says William Heaney of the TSCC .
3 In actual fact the er farmer put the planning application in to hold this market every week really refused it outright saying it 's a very sensitive area of Green belt and we did n't want two hundred er stalls there every Sunday on the car park coming out of the road and everything else .
4 Because if you start messing your duvet up at night times it means that you do n't want to sleep underneath it cos it goes all scrunchy and horrible , and all the duvet bit comes out of the cover .
5 Sure enough , a couple of rock doves fly out of the crack with a clatter of wings , and we can see a scarcely fledged youngster perched on a ledge in the gloom of the sea-cave .
6 The election for the governorship of the north western province of Catamarca , held on Dec. 1 , was won by Arnoldo Castillo , the candidate of the Civic and Social Front ( FCS ) , an opposition alliance made up of the Radical Party ( UCR ) , dissidents of the ruling Justicialist Party ( PJ-the Peronists ) and other minority parties .
7 What 's more , this car will certainly not be the last hot road car development to roll out of the factory .
8 The only incident reported was when one of Fowler 's teddy bear mascots fell out of the car at Debtors Dip .
9 The Red Pepper Motel looms out of the dusk .
10 Right-wing opposition members walked out of the Congress on Oct. 22 during a speech by German Chancellor Helmut Kohl , who paid an official visit to Chile on Oct. 19-22 .
11 ‘ The partnership approach grows out of the quality approach , ’ Anthony Goddard explained .
12 ‘ The partnership approach grows out of the quality approach .
13 Outside , various drag queens spill out of the gay bar across from the gig and teeter down the road on high heels flashing passing motorists and drawing a barrage of horns in reply .
14 Even if your usual practice is to use handwritten notes there will be times when typed notes are preferable such as a difficult telephone conversation that you want on the record or a list of action points arising out of the meeting .
15 A great silver shape comes out of the rain beside me .
16 A silver ramp wound out of the doorway .
17 In April it called for a three-tier market , including an international equity market made up of the top 350 companies , a national market for most of the remaining companies listed on the Official List and the USM , and an enterprise market with minimum requirements for those companies not on the Official List , the intention being that those companies in the enterprise market should comprise higher risk operations .
18 Every lunchtime she watched her three male partners in Exeter-based accountancy firm Honey Perriam disappear out of the door and up the road to the local snooker club , while she sat at her desk , nibbling her sandwich .
19 Thus the process of contract formation arising out of the exchange of documents containing or referring to standard terms creates considerable problems when one tries to fit it into the framework of offer and acceptance .
20 Lawyers acting for the 31 year-old double terror victim have recently entered into negotiations with Northern Ireland Office lawyers to settle a compensation case arising out of the first attack on him in which he lost a leg and suffered serious damage to an arm .
21 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
22 One of the management team came out of the meeting hopeful that the buyout could be agreed .
23 Is that the north pole and the south pole sticking out of the earth ?
24 Thomas ' work routine takes out of the office a good deal , to spend time in the trade with key accounts , with the home sales force and in export markets .
25 Had we used this three thousand three hundred figure as the annual migration , then the housing requirement figures come out of the projection rather then two thousand and six , would have been some ten thousand fewer .
26 The pale trunks of giant ramon trees rose out of the layered undergrowth of fan palms and creepers .
27 Next door the Northern Bank was severely damaged with window frames jutting out of the cracked masonry .
28 When the men had gone back to the Inn Allen dropped out of the tree and ran down the slope to her .
29 Once the test pilot comes out of the chamber , a nasty side effect is that the ageing process becomes speeded up .
30 Boss Man tumbling out of the ring , Berzerker dragging him back in , Boss Man pulling hair , Berzerker slamming Boss Man into the corner , Boss Man retaliating with biff-wham-pow punches , Boss Man belly-flopping onto the deck , Berzerker straddling him , yanking his head back as if to break his neck .
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