Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] you [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 It should actually have a clip so that you stick it in your inside pocket
2 Take three breaths and then repeat the Energizing Breathing so that you do it three times altogether .
3 Yeah but Geoff if you keep a record when you took money in when you draw it out .
4 One of the best editing techniques is to read the piece aloud as you check it .
5 Otherwise it 's a slip switch so if you put it in , if I put it in my bag and it switches on and someone else so the the batteries will waste .
6 To direct the beam of light precisely where you want it , choose a fitting that takes narrow-beam reflector bulbs or has a narrow-beam reflector in the fitting .
7 I did the well trodden path , with phoebe in As You Like It .
8 that wax that we made up there with the antique wax has n't turned out as well it did with Mansion polish so when you make it up
9 " He will know your body better than you know it yourself , Menina . "
10 You do n't have anywhere to wash your clothes or even yourself sometimes , so you 're dirty and your clothes are dirty and you 're not eating properly so you 're more liable to illness and this sort of thing , so that you 're not likely to keep a job even if you get it , and you ca n't get accommodation without a deposit , and so you need several hundred pounds in order to get accommodation .
11 Well you can have them all and put the black in when you need it .
12 Press the nozzle just before you aim it at the surface , and release it at the end of each stroke .
13 The only time that you will hear about it is whe , if you have the television on and you see it happening on the parliament and on your papers .
14 If you have a combination skin , recognisable by an oily T-zone ( forehead , nose and chin ) and drier cheeks , apply moisturiser only where you need it ( ie over the cheeks and up to the temples ) .
15 A as opposed to U is n't it , so it 's really like lugg age so if you say it quickly together it becomes luggage , yeah , okay , the next one , oh sorry put it in a sentence
16 They used to have little marks to line the paper up when you hang it .
17 Some sauce here if you want it .
18 and it 's a lot better I know I 've seen road somewhere or you know it 's a lot easier
19 Without taking your eyes off the road , ‘ see ’ a parking space just where you want it , and expect it to be there .
20 Our competition could be the answer to your problems , as you can lay out the wardrobe interior just as you need it , after you 've put up the wardrobe with the help of the instructions provided .
21 Plan your call thoroughly before you make it .
22 You can have ten percent discount immediately if you need it .
23 You keep the line dressed and straight behind the float and a certain tension at the point where the float tip protrudes from the surface so that the slightest movement of your wrist just lifts the float fractionally without interfering with its progress downstream and you watch it lift slightly and settle and feel in your bones — if you 've executed the hold-back right — that it will surely sink to a fish before travelling another inch .
24 put this program in and you swap it for this er map disk , then it comes up , you tell it where you are , where you going to and it works your route out
25 If you are staying in a caravan or tent and do n't have access to a refrigerator , buy food only as you need it .
26 Oh , bet , bet you spill a lot though when you drink it do n't ya , right down your throat it goes
27 I put all the things ready , but use the tea in the old , empty the old lot out before you fill it up , I put the packet there ready to open .
28 Always inspect each hook closely before you use it ; test it for breaking or bending ; reduce or remove the barb where necessary , and work on it with a fine oil stone until it is as sharp as you can get it — this should not actually be necessary with the new chemically sharpened hooks .
29 Uncover cheese just before you eat it .
30 Have you got proof now that you swear it ?
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