Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] [pron] [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They and the lively photographs tell the story better than I can with words .
2 Will he ensure that at that poverty level , those additional 400,000 pensioners are informed of their rights to claim income support so that they can at the very least receive what little is due to them under this Government ?
3 ( 2 ) Swing the club back as you would in a golf swing and then start to return to an imaginary ball .
4 Yes , I think that 's true , but at the same time there is a debate going on as to whether in fact there 's more violence now than there used to be , some people say there is more violence , other people say that , that erm that 's not the case .
5 Bashed your dad 's side , the wing and we could see a policeman putting , it was pouring with rain and he was putting his er , big mac on and he should of been directing the traffic , he told us that , he come over to us and he was only young like and he said , oh I 'd just left , I was on duty here I 'd just left to go and put my mac on !
6 Thank you chairman , erm , I 've heard what Mr said then I think it is worth reminding ourselves that a significant number of members of this council are new to this council and it 's therefore quite right and proper that in the first year of the business of this council that there should be a significant number of seminars and briefings to enable members to fully acquaint themselves with the business of the council the working of the er , operations of this council so that we can in fact make informed decisions er in the future .
7 But it is clear that companies should have a strategic approach to the issue just as they would with R&D .
8 Though Jaq , in his role as a Trader , pretended to patronize a mistress , the reality was that during his thirty-five years of life he had only bedded one woman — almost on an experimental basis so that he should at least be acquainted with the spasm of sex .
9 Well I did we we talked about this , you see Mary Anne , half way through the conversation er Neil went out of the room so that I could to Mary Ann and I said towards the end of my conversation , you know , Mary Ann you 're a very wise person , give me some advice I said , I told her about Neil not wanting no not doing well on the driving , although he can drive she said he does n't want to do it she said do n't hassle him so when he came downstairs I said I 've been talking to Mary Ann and she sends you her love and because , of course , you know , we 've got a grandson , you know she had a son , my
10 If you have an orange badge and you wish to park on the John Radcliffe Hospital site , you can park free of charge just as you would in one of the Council 's car parks park free of charge .
11 The model agency office was in a tall old house in Clifton and Paula splashed out some of her savings on a taxi so that she could at least arrive in style .
12 In the case of the ‘ ordinary ’ person it may just be pleasant to record what has happened each day so that one can at some time in the future spend a nostalgic hour looking back on times past .
13 So maybe it took one minute more than it should as the crow flies .
14 because this is , I mean I did n't hear the dogs last night , only the kid , but I mean nevertheless the day before if you 'd of been in there , so but , but the kitchen can be done , toilet can be done
15 What has actually happened effectively as a result of the massive exchange movements of 1984 and early 1985 is that an American citizen can now go anywhere in the world and purchase goods for the same price abroad as he can at home .
16 Why could n't Joe let her sit in the fireside armchair in the living-room so that she 'd at least have company ?
17 So and I would extend the same argument to abortion and I would say erm wh what happens in abortion admittedly erm an artificial abortion mean means that presumably a spontaneous abortion has has n't happened , but a modern woman is using extra means that she has er at her disposal , probably to deal with extra problems which evolution originally could not foresee and ultimately her self-interest might be just as well served by having er induced the abortion ultimately as it would by erm by not having but I mean this is just my personal view , and I do n't
18 It 's not as much fun being a GP nowadays as it used to be .
19 He had found her — and he used the word much as he might of finding a particularly beautiful sea-washed stone — one late June afternoon the previous year .
20 and she 'd draw up and come in the church , in the shop yard there and I used to , when I got home she 'd be hot , you see .
21 Well because the postman had come to empty the letter box , right , so there was no point in mummy putting her letter in cos he 'd of just taken it out again
22 That Arthur 'ad stopped at a pub on 'is way to the church , 'e said 'e needed fortifyin' , and 'im and 'is best man both went in the pub an' stayed there a lot longer than they should of .
23 Furthermore , his body will respond to this self-made reality precisely as it would to what we now regard as ‘ the ’ universe . ’
24 So if you avoid trying to muck the switchboard up if you could between 9 and 9.30 and 1 and 2.00 .
25 you know I just keep thinking the stuff 's on the way round and there ought to be some way of doing it , but I , you know , I mean maybe Brian 's idea of the , the , the organizations in the ci ci but that does n't help me you know with a , with a
26 The information will become known a bit faster than it used to be .
27 ( 3 ) Swing your right hand and arm down as you would during a downswing in golf .
28 I need not pursue these issues further here , however , as the results already cited are enough to establish that , given appropriate circumstances , verbal pre-training can influence performance on a recognition task just as it can on a motor task involving discrimination among the pre-trained stimuli .
29 Odette and the bairn still across the street just where they used to be . "
30 He 'll a took bairn out cos they 'll of gone for extra funds , social and got , they 'll be doing that at moment wo n't they ?
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