Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] [verb] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er they have well just the same as er some of these weight reducers. they 'll take the weight down but look at the side effects .
2 While pulling down the ropes between the stalactites , crane your neck upwards and peer at the bolted lines of Jacky Godoffe 's grade eights , such as Autoportrait ( 8b+ ) .
3 He rolled over , and spread his loosened limbs in the bed , he opened windows , he went to the Tate Gallery alone and looked at the dissolving blue and gold air of Turner 's Norham Castle .
4 That night , they sat on the ice together and gazed at the sky .
5 Turn the frond over and look at the underside .
6 He scrambled to his feet , throwing his cloak aside and hissing at the stiff pain of his collarbone .
7 Physical activities can also sometimes cause difficulties since restricted visual fields can make it difficult for a child to catch a ball , wield a bat effectively or aim at a goal .
8 She tipped her head up and looked at the sky , biting her lip .
9 They took the escalator up and settled at a table overlooking the fountain .
10 ’ Alistair tipped his head back and stared at the coagulated window .
11 She tipped her head back and stared at the tumbling nymphs and satyrs that danced across it , trailing garlands of flowers .
12 He laughs , too , putting his head back and looking at the ceiling .
13 His bleary eyes filled with tears but he tilted his head back and glared at the top of the tent .
14 He quietly closed the door and , leaning his back to it , he dropped his gaze to her upturned face , before tilting his head upwards and staring at the ceiling , his anguished thoughts in turmoil .
15 I have seen snapshots of her arms extending cigarette lighters , her lips painted seamlessly in China red matt , each eyebrow plucked and lined with one rich stroke of a black pencil , false lashes on her eyes , ‘ twinkle ’ blue kohl beneath and drawn at a tilt .
16 ‘ Oh , nothing much , ’ I sighed , slowly raising my head again and gazing at the water .
17 Although ten full minutes passed after leaving his party swigging juice happily and pointing at the loch , a casual glance backwards revealed that they were gaining on us quickly .
18 Belinda listened on tenterhooks to one side of the discussion as Tom somehow managed to present his case forcefully while driving at the same time .
19 Lady followed her example rather than suffer at the hands of her infuriated master .
20 They attended an opera together and flirted at a ball .
21 Lionan , the dandy , was talking behind his hand to the brutal Mullach , who was gulping his beer moodily and staring at the serving maids as they passed him in a bustling procession .
22 It was a time when children were encouraged to fantasize about machines and outer space rather than marvel at the open spaces where the deer and buffalo roamed .
23 He crossed the floor silently and listened at the closed door .
24 If the Minister of State wants to see what that is like , she should go into the City tonight and look at the number of people who are sleeping in the cold because there is no accommodation for them .
25 He took his hand away and looked at the smear of red blood on his fingers .
26 ‘ I owe you an apology , ’ Donna said , pushing her plate away and dabbing at the corners of her mouth with a napkin .
27 Antony turned the grill off and looked at the dark brown slices of bread .
28 For here his father was , sitting down beside him , hugging and kissing him , taking his hand again and laughing at the silly terrors his little game had aroused in his son .
29 If a now neglected painter was popular during his lifetime we must examine the reason why and look at the works again .
30 He pulled the sides of the case apart and peered at the tobacco projectiles it contained , each one as potently dangerous as a Sam-7 .
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