Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] [verb] it [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a shame in many ways that Robert Harris ' Fatherland ( Arrow ) has such stiff competition in the same area , for judging by the hardcover success I , along with Arrow , have stuck my neck out and made it a Giant .
2 Unfortunately many of the Dizzy games were written on the Spectrum and ported across to the C64 , slowing the action hideously and leaving it a cruel parody of its Speccy counterpart .
3 That invariably meant sectioning the warren off and working it a piece at a time .
4 Therefore , if you really want to move the business forward and make it a great business , you 've got to live it .
5 Take your head off and give it a rest .
6 A high six-iron was the mutual decision , since there was just a gentle breeze to hold the ball up and give it a good chance to stop quickly .
7 A well-informed horseman simply had to grasp the horse 's head firmly and give it a sharp turn and back him out of the area that had been contaminated by the jading substance .
8 The trick is to keep the line direct to the float , without disturbing the float more than to give it a slight lift .
9 ‘ Culture is an integrated system of beliefs ( about God or reality or ultimate meanings ) , of values ( about what is true , good , beautiful and normative ) , of customs ( how to behave , relate to others , talk , pray , dress , work , trade , farm , eat , etc. ) , and of institutions which express these beliefs , values and customs ( government , law courts , temples or churches , family , school , hospitals , factories , shops , unions , clubs , etc. ) , which bind a society together and give it a sense of identity , dignity , security , and continuity . ’
10 This is it you see , I mean a , a company like or have gone to a lot of trouble to get that length right , er and to tune the box and all this that and the other and get the right , I do n't know maybe er just think oh you know you just build this , put this massive speaker in and call it a sub based woofer
11 Wishful thinking : the statement ‘ If I could do anything I would implant the standards in his brain ’ may spark off more realistic ideas such as running a course to explain the standards ( perhaps in a country hotel so as to make it a pleasant experience ) .
12 Grimma took another step forward and caught it a backward thump across the muzzle .
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