Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] he [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 so when somebody says to him what sides your heart on and he says right they say no , he says yes it is
2 When the defence relied upon is ‘ act or default of another person , ’ the defendant will have a good defence only if he has also made available to the prosecution such information as he has identifying that other person .
3 Where the inner band had stuck to the hair all around the sides and back , she had to chop the hair off right to the skin so that he finished up with a bald white ring round his head , like some sort of a monk .
4 If I do n't put that light on and he comes in and puts the light on , I wake up just like that .
5 Very , very confusing this is , the world is going upside down and he do n't know what 's going to happen next you see , for instance looking a year ago , two years ago the wall , the Berlin Wall was standing and the Russian empire was feared , all over the world , and now this day , it just fell on its face
6 These days , if you imagine a young man 's sexual exploration , he works from the outside in and encounters women 's underwear long before he comes anywhere near the female body itself .
7 This does not mean that a member can claim not to be bound by a rule merely because he has not bought a rulebook or not read it properly .
8 He thought about it though and decided that he could not live on willpower alone so he went on with his degree then joined a very mundane law practice with poor promotion prospects and a history of doing more ‘ legal aid ’ cases than ones where the client actually paid .
9 ‘ He wants people to have a square deal just because he did n't have one . ’
10 He told us how he had been encouraged by the responses received from the agri-food industry ever since he threw out a challenge to it some four months ago .
11 I said we 'll try this shop , I said at least have a look and I said we 'll go round to the other 's , I said he made he 's mind up when he walked in , .
12 His Mum backed the car out and he got in .
13 ring me today and say that 's got diarrhoea , he 'll keep the car today but he do n't want it tomorrow can you find someone else who wants it .
14 He may even be compelled to pay interest on arrears of rent even though he did not know that the rent was in arrear ( Allied London Investments Ltd v Hambro Life Assurance plc [ 1985 ] 2 EGLR 45 ) .
15 For there was nothing but mockery there as he scorned loftily , ‘ Do n't tell me you 've taken the cure ? ’
16 Dark when the r it came dusk and dark again and he had n't come out .
17 Slit-eyed against the blinding rain , he hurled his weight forward as he powered up a ridge , the rear wheel tearing at shale and mud .
18 He 'll have to be dead a bit longer before he comes back . ’
19 This had covered the blotter so that he had really only seen it for a short time .
20 The pilot slammed the powerful jets into reverse thrust , bringing the giant plane to a halt just before he ran out of runway .
21 Frank Robinson , who lives at Roundhill Farm , told how Mr Dobson used his son-in-law Keith Tinkler 's equipment usually when he returned home from abroad .
22 Mr Nagdi had been carrying a gun when he left for work yesterday but he did not get a chance to use it .
23 Yeah you go well if dad do n't walk in , any second now and he walked in !
24 The purchaser would still expect , rightly , to be able to obtain a remedy from the seller under the Sale of Goods Act even though he has not obtained ownership of the copyright subsisting in the computer program .
25 The accused was guilty of manslaughter even though he did not direct his attack at the victim .
26 The " ordinary reader " would infer that the " fixing " had involved the team as well as Packer , and that the captain of the team would have been party to the plot even though he had not played in the match .
27 His blind penis found its home immediately and he slipped gently inwards , slowly , trying desperately not to come .
28 If there is a contract and the seller has delivered to the buyer , the latter obtains ownership even though he has not paid for the item .
29 Erm I 'll get Mark to send a cheque off when he gets back from .
30 Simon had put Ben onto his lead so that he did n't run back down to the beach and cut himself on the rusty barbed wire .
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