Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [conj] it had [be] " in BNC.

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1 In Mordauntt v. British Oil & Cake Mills Ltd. ( 1910 K.B. ) the seller was told of the sub-sale by the buyer only after it had been made .
2 When I last met them in September , I asked them to consider urgently three specific point : first , the introduction of visible vehicle identification numbers ; secondly , the fitting of deadlocking across all their vehicle ranges ; and , most important , the development of an effective vehicle immobilising device that would make it impossible to move a car even if it had been broken into .
3 The prediction is made more precise by making it equal to 1,290 days and then adding another 45 days ( 12.11–12 ) — to the despair of the modern interpreter , — but probably to the complete satisfaction of the contemporary reader who read the prophecy just when it had been fulfilled .
4 Mr Kendal inspected the cellar in 1891 and found the place exactly as it had been when Durham used it .
5 'Cos there was an envelope there for you with your name on and it had been ransacked .
6 Among the issues raised by this case were how the court was to go about deciding exactly what powers Parliament had intended to give to the GLC in relation to London Transport ; whether the GLC owed a duty to its ratepayers not to spend the rates on large subsidies for travellers ; whether the GLC was entitled to implement its cheap fares policy just because it had been a major issue in the recent GLC elections ; the extent to which central government ought to control local authority spending ; whether and to what extent public transport ought to be treated as a public service or , on the other hand , as a business which has to break even or make a profit .
7 As in the case of the plating company , operators had grown familiar with a new set of moulding machinery soon after it had been installed .
8 There is every reason to believe that he would have pursued his policy even if it had been unpopular ( as it temporarily became in 1967 ) .
9 The honorary legal adviser to the Nationwide Festival of Light had criticised the deprave-and-corrupt test in The Daily Telegraph precisely because it had been so applied , arguing , in a plain man 's version of Lord Denning , that
10 Within the Common Market , Britain in 1989 seemed as much the odd nation out as it had been in 1979 at the time of the rancorous Dublin summit , unable to prevent major changes within the Community by responding in a negative , bad-tempered way .
11 I 'm sure she would n't have taken the matter lightly if it had been her own colleagues who had been beaten up and tortured .
12 There were no landmarks , no features by which they could determine their position even if it had been light enough to see them .
13 In this study the experimenters recorded the driver 's visual fixations and also asked the driver questions about each target just after it had been passed .
14 This was the first time since 1948 that the entire Legislative Yuan had been elected , and the first time ever that it had been elected entirely within Taiwan .
15 The magic was every bit as exciting the second time around as it had been with William .
16 One of the most bizarre elements of the whole plutonium jigsaw is the fact that at one time the government sanctioned , at cabinet level , two private companies to own some of the material even though it had been produced by the electricity generating industry .
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