Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv] [adv] [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Tallboy was n't sure how to judge his superior 's tone but he needed a fillip to his esteem right now so he looked on the bright side .
2 Erm do you believe if , if we erm oh I think we 've already covered that bit right so if I put erm come up with a erm a recommendation that would provide erm an income for your wife in the event of your death erm is there any reason why we ca n't look at this ?
3 This prolonged under-funding strikes the GP most dramatically when he tries to admit an acutely ill patient .
4 How could she spend Roman 's money so lavishly when she had just parted from her lover ?
5 This , to use a definition of the American , Stanley Ellin , one of the writers to have given us short stories to equal any that have been written since crime and the short story met ( read his The Speciality of the House ) is any story so long as it deals with " that streak of wickedness in human nature " .
6 Lovely , thanks very much , and Amy 's just showed me our balance at the Bristol and West and it 's six thousand four hundred and forty one pounds sixty five pence , so we are a bit better off than I thought .
7 At first it was men who were not allowed into the house and although this position resulted in a lot of criticism and ridicule , most feminists had some sympathy so long as we did n't seriously advocate separatism for all women .
8 Independent soft-commission brokers regard it as an acceptable method of payment so long as they deal at the best price .
9 It would be impossible to persuade anyone to act as trustee unless the discretion entrusted to him were very liberally conferred , and it is now possible for a trustee to delegate to an agent , not merely pieces of business requiring especial skill , but the whole business of the trust , and escape liability so long as he acts in good faith .
10 The tsar had been enthusiastic about change so long as he remained in the orbit of Elena Pavlovna , but in St Petersburg his convictions or his courage deserted him .
11 I do n't care if it 's a rubbish route so long as it 's got an E-number .
12 Clearly , this must be the case so long as it remains the only easily available platform for interactive multimedia .
13 Jesus challenged the Jews of his day with a searching question : ‘ How can you have faith so long as you receive honour from one another , and care nothing for the honour that comes from him who alone is God ? ’
14 And best of all the pictures that flew through her mind so happily as she jolted onwards was Michael Swinton 's gratitude and delight , how touched he would be that she had thought of him , how she would seem to him like some sort of Christmas spirit , glittering in a thousand jewels , her arms laden with bounty …
15 Drink had made George sentimental and he turned his mouth down lugubriously as he remembered his steady and the down payment on the furniture .
16 It 's a pity you 've money , you 'd be a deal better off if you 'd a living to earn , teaching or nursing . ’
17 Robert , who had been very silent , said suddenly , ‘ I know it 's too soon , but your little daughter might feel her loss less deeply if you gave her another dog .
18 Yet all that feeling , all that energy , discharged itself into the void so long as it did not flow down one of the channels that made the great wheels turn — in Edinburgh , in London and Paris .
19 ( 4 ) A covenant by the lessee for the repair of the premises is of no effect so far as it relates to the matters mentioned in subsection ( l ) ( a ) to ( c ) , except so far as it imposes on the lessee any of the requirements mentioned in subsection ( 2 ) ( a ) or ( c ) .
20 Local education authorities query this pattern of study less often than they used to as principles of credit accumulation percolate through to town halls .
21 So it 's two pound anyway so if you 've got four quid spare between us .
22 He wrote in his Testament not long before he died : " While I was living in sin , it seemed a very bitter thing to look at lepers ; but the Lord Himself led me among them , and I had compassion on them .
23 " A point has now been reached , " it declared , " where the continued dynamic development of the Community has become an imperative not only because it corresponds to the direct interests of the 12 member states but also because it has become a crucial element in the progress that is being made in establishing a reliable framework for peace and security in Europe . "
24 Scarlet had been willing to admit the truth of her words but had ceased too soon to concentrate , her mind already elsewhere as she wondered whether , if she could express herself differently and more coherently , her therapist might not have another , and a clearer , image of her .
25 Hopefully the initial push towards the enemy will ensure that the Fanatic hits the enemy more often than he hits his mates … but you can never be sure .
26 She told him she did n't want to be his agent any longer if he did n't need her advice , though it would be pleasant if he ever wanted her friendship .
27 I said , a good deal more calmly than I felt .
28 I 'll just tea up there cos she has a tablet does n't she ?
29 ‘ We can shack up there until I get word to Hamilton .
30 With pots you can change the effect as often as you like .
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