Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] must [verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Then out to his bed in a loft over the cowshed , leaving the family to draw in together in a cosy , alien-excluding unit around the flaming and hissing timber , to lie and smoke by the light of a candle and think o better days in the orphanage and wonder in unembittered fashion — for he had been happy there — about the mother who had abandoned him and the even shadowier lover who must have abandoned her .
2 Kapuscinski exercises a personal charm which must have helped him to establish friendly relations with the people he met , and to gather material , and which can seem to befriend the Western reader .
3 to be honest the mess it must have left her !
4 People and dogs came from as far away as Oxford to take part in this event which must have left them all fitter and leaner at the end of the day .
5 ‘ You did n't know that he acquired them through his wife who must have got them while she was housekeeper-companion to Mrs Armitage ? ’
6 Well when Ken said about the headboard last week they were selling sheets on mini market I said pink ones and grey ones but I said not while they had the Christmas stuff in , it was before the Christmas stuff they must have taken them out you know I
7 By definition I must have seen it with someone else , but the fact that , at the time , our own coupledom was predicted only by Nostradamus was irrelevant .
8 After all , if you had been hanged , drawn and quartered at a time when such deaths were not uncommon , you would not really want to feel either the physical pain or indeed the terror which must have accompanied it !
9 ‘ We also know that if Vechey committed suicide he must have done it in the early hours , just before dawn .
10 Something like Crazy , Crazy Nights , though , is such a catchy song you must have known it was going to be huge …
11 For however he acquired that money he must have acquired it , Wexford was certain , during the 19th or the 20th of May .
12 At least , that was the thought I had , but for some reason I must have found it very nice because I stayed for 30 years ! ’
13 I like the way I must have taken it out .
14 She gave me a lovely book on musical composer 's last year which must have cost her a bomb .
15 but , but he said he paid the way she must have worked it so that he
16 When he heard about Bonanza parking the Fraser girl on ice out in the country he must have figured it was his chance for the big killing .
17 ‘ But bearing in mind what a tough time they must have had they 're settling in remarkably well .
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