Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] may [adv] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 When trainees are allowed to begin interviewing on their own under supervision they have already been accepted as CAB trainee advice workers , but in the GLCABS structure where candidates begin by observing the interviewing process they may not yet have formally passed the selection procedure .
2 That , too , may have been reactive to Modernism and Bloomsbury , which were certainly coteries , though in a land traditionally sceptical of manifestoes and cynical about self-advertisement it may as easily have been the reassertion of an ancient mistrust .
3 The minor mistake she may not even have made — for society 's judgment , not actual guilt , is what counts — is likely to dog her forever .
4 The cultural baggage which any social group , tribe , or institution such as the police acquires over time can thus be translated to reveal just what sustains it , and furthermore reveal what the society itself may not even have understood .
5 In the candlelight it may not even have been observed .
6 Very likely there was a general cut in wages brought about by a combination of causes , not the least of which was the loss of an employer who may very well have paid premium rates in order to attract and retain labour ; in any case the living standards of the cloth workers had fallen sharply by 1524 , and with them those of the farm labourers of the other villages in the district .
7 The mother 's offer to cook the lunch may be a reassuring sign of the familiar to her son who may not long have departed from the parental home .
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