Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] 's going to [be] " in BNC.

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1 What she did say was , ‘ In future there 's going to be a new rule : you 're going to have your bath before your daddy comes home . ’
2 There 's fear hanging over everybody with the local government review there 's going to be mass redundancies .
3 I think the long term results of this are entirely good , but in the short term there 's going to be major instability , making life possibly quite nasty for everyone .
4 So whilst it 's desirable to encourage the use of rail , I think in in in practice it 's going to be er very difficult to achieve that and in therefore you should look at public transport in the round .
5 You know at the bottom it 's going to be avalanche time .
6 What 's a half plus a third ? that 's no problem add the top two add the bottom it 's going to be two fifths it 's obvious is n't it .
7 in my opinion there 's going to be funny things happen to the market in a year or so .
8 There will be a bright little man at Camp 3 , very clever and on the up , and your Michael Holly is going to be his pride and joy , and when he can wheel your man into that press conference he 's going to be very smug .
9 I was saying , ‘ Just think what fun it 's going to be , following Cilla Black … ’ and you could just see him succumbing . ’
10 So I said if it 's only for a mile it 's going to be well less than a minute at eighty , presuming you were doing more than thereabouts and er that was it .
11 And erm I 'd also like to introduce Keith Mardell from the Longman spoken corpus who 's going to be recording our meeting .
12 Well there 's going to be apart from your father there 's going to be seven adults .
13 I 've got a theory I have a feeling there 's going to be a great revival of people with a Quakered mind way of thinking .
14 Next month there 's going to be an international conference around reproductive technologies and genetic engineering specifically to bring together the work that women in India are doing against sterilization abuse and population control with the work the women in the West are doing around genetic experimentation and invitro fertilization and egg farming — some of the anti-women scientific advances .
15 June is an excellent month for marriage , Sagittarius , and if your wedding is this month it 's going to be a happy time for you both !
16 but are the point about how it 's structured is if for example it 's going to be open to students at Napier
17 Erm and it 's er within the countryside it 's going to be a rich peasant who 's going to do that .
18 If it does turn out he 's personally involved I 've got a feeling it 's going to be difficult as hell trying to prove it . ’
19 the S O four and the N H four that 's a double negative and that 's a single positive it 's going to be two N H four S O four no erm let me think about it again er
20 Of course it 's going to be evaded , and it will be quite hard work to get it enforced , but you ca n't avoid the things women have to fight for at work , you ca n't pull women out of work , out of the unions , just because housework is n't recognised by a direct wage .
21 Wesley will be telling England rugby star Will Carling today that after he 's done his PhD he 's going to be a top consultant on ecological waste disposal .
22 after losing in the cup there 's going to be changes …
23 at the end of the world it 's going to be C K at the end .
24 so , with the best will in the world it 's going to be six months so let's so we need a little of breathing space
25 It was fun , and I think I actually played some great shit , and if it gets on the radio it 's going to be good for all jazz guys , because there are some pretty hip notes in there … ! ’
26 But a financier : when he lays it on the line it 's going to be portraits of presidents cashable in solid US any place on the globe .
27 Do we really need him now , there 's no way he 's going to be as good as he used to be , and he 's probably the size of Mick Quinn now anyway : - )
28 The point is that if these things have to be revealed so that I can find my sister then I 'm afraid that 's the way it 's going to be .
29 Following , from what was said there we know that there 's , that there 's a limited pot for mental health because that 's the way it 's going to be , we 've been told that so there 's a real big job for women
30 ‘ This is the way it 's going to be from now on , Mr Denner , ’ she snapped , adding icy emphasis to his name .
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