Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] are [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 It will be the main task of Part Four of the book to explore the rationality of perfectionist moral pluralism , i.e. of pluralism of many forms of the good which are admitted to be so many valuable expressions of people 's nature , but pluralism which allows that certain conceptions of the good are worthless and demeaning , and that political action may and should be taken to eradicate or at least curtail them .
2 We live in a technological age , and there are going to be major changes without a doubt , we 've all seen them over the past few decades , and into the future there are going to be many major changes .
3 In fact radio is alive , kicking and expanding , and there are thousands of hours of radio going out , locally particularly , and every indication there are going to be more and more community radio stations in the future , and this is hungry time for material , so lots of opportunities in that particular way , at this stage .
4 For people with a profound hearing loss there are bound to be times when speechreading seems to be very hard going , but even in the dark you are still on the way if your aim is clear and your courage bright .
5 ( 13 ) All statements of future intention by the buyer which are proposed to be contained in the tender advertisement must be cleared with the Panel first .
6 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
7 Local authorities have no powers except those conferred upon them by statute , and when they take action which is not sanctioned by the law they are said to be acting ultra vires ( beyond the powers ) .
8 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
9 Each vertical square can represent one , two , four , six or eight rows of actual knitting , depending on the knitting technique you are going to be using with the design .
10 Thus , although the monies received are capital in nature they are deemed to be income for the purposes of giving the taxpayer deductions and reliefs and they are charged under Case VI of Schedule D. Thus , for instance , the remittance basis would not be applicable although there is no reason why general principles should not be applicable so that income arising overseas and received by a non-resident would not be chargeable under general principles whilst income arising in the United Kingdom could be chargeable under general principles regardless of who it is paid to .
11 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
12 ( a ) Conventions are non-legal rules of constitutional behaviour which are considered to be binding upon those who operate the constitution but which are not enforced by the courts or by the presiding officers in Parliament .
13 The logic of Defences is to admit those allegations of the pursuer which are known to be true , to deny those which are untrue ( or unknown ) and thereafter to provide such further explanation as is necessary by way of defence .
14 The collection and computerization of data will form the basis for investigation of six areas of Korean development which are considered to be under-researched by both Koreans and Korean specialists , and which are of relevance both to development policy and to the identification of future potential economic opportunities for Britain in South Korea as well as the future impact of Korea on the world economy .
15 If these are thought to be appropriate for the person you are going to be in touch with , then the local Christian bookshop will undoubtedly stock a range .
16 Although it is usual to model responsibilities in terms of a hierarchical tree there are bound to be overlaps between what appear to be different levels of the hierarchy .
17 Until now we have considered practices within a society , and allowed that if these fail to complement each other they are said to be contradictory .
18 And if you do choose to use teacher-in-role there are going to be many occasions when you 'll have to step out of role to reflect on the work .
19 Of course there are going to be times in your life when you feel sad or unhappy and , at such times , it is perfectly natural to cry .
20 In the UK the rubella vaccine has been offered to all girls in early adolescence and to non-pregnant women of child-bearing age who are found to be serologically negative for this antigen but with the use of the new measles/mumps/rubella ( MMR ) vaccine to small children ( 1988 ) , this will eventually become unnecessary .
21 At the peak of the breeding season there are said to be perhaps a quarter of a million sooty terns nesting on Aride , but now in October there were only a few hundred .
22 Hence if shares are given a preferential dividend they are presumed to be non-participating as regards further dividends , and if they are given a preferential right to a return of capital they are presumed to be non-participating in surplus assets .
23 If police officers have more protection they are going to be more helpful to the public who will , in turn , be more confident . ’
24 Since statements like ‘ God is Love ’ fall into neither category they are held to be meaningless .
25 The methodology used here is a three-stage operation ; first , the binary raster files or single variable files ( SVFs ) are expanded into character form , compressed ( Held 1983 ) , and a row number added ; second , the files area is sorted by the row number so that all records with the same row number are contiguous in the file ; third , a count is made of all the rasters in each row which are simulated to be inside the required areas .
26 Final very quick question , reports in the paper this morning that Chunnel , the the channel tunnel , the high speed link , and the tunnel itself are going to be delayed because the Treasury basically saying , we 've run out of money , you ca n't do it , is that true ?
27 Can I say that need holy communion as a group thing in a way of our communion and as a church we are going to be Roman Catholic .
28 for every successful candidate there are bound to be at least two who were pipped at the post , who jumped the final fence only to find that the client had chosen one of their fellow front-runners : and these were the ones who — by and large — responded to the survey rather than the successful ones .
29 Though they are in no sense elementary in their approach they are designed to be read with benefit by all who have ‘ some experience of the industry and of the administration of engineering contracts ’ .
30 Hence if shares are given a preferential dividend they are presumed to be non-participating as regards further dividends , and if they are given a preferential right to a return of capital they are presumed to be non-participating in surplus assets .
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