Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [was/were] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In his account of the final stage , it is as if the unheard melody of which he had some intimation suddenly becomes audible and transposes all his experience into its terms : In my prayer I was reaching out to heaven with heartfelt longing when I became aware , in a way I can not explain , of a symphony of song , and in myself I sensed a corresponding harmony at once wholly delectable and heavenly , which persisted in my mind .
2 You mentioned the YTP research which was carried out by independent academics on behalf of the EOC and the Manpower Council .
3 Attending on the battlefield to a wounded soldier who was crying out with pain , he took the soldier 's hand in his .
4 Pandora , the first woman of Greek myth — as described by Hesiod — is made out of earth ; at Zeus 's command she was fashioned out of clay to be the instrument of divine retribution .
5 ‘ I 'll see if I can get tickets , ’ was all he offered before kissing her sweetly on the mouth and going inside to get some paperwork together for the meeting with his lawyer who was driving out from Palma to see him .
6 An –easy conscience chafed him like his new , scratchy tweed suit , caused him the same persistent discomfort as the broken spring he was hatching out beneath his buttocks .
7 Having relatives in England was not always the bonus it was made out to be .
8 With a lunge , he grabbed the bag from between her fingers and flung it across the parquet , where it landed with a thump before skidding to rest beneath a radiator , then before she could react to such a flare of violence he was reaching out for her , dragging her into his embrace , his lips ravening hungrily over her own with a fever of desire that sent shock waves of fear and desire quivering through her .
9 I remember the amounts because for several years , it was my Saturday job to go to St. Martin 's Church Vestry to collect the money which was paid out by the Parish Clerk , Mr. Daniel Sutton , who before retirement had been Headmaster of the Church School .
10 The 1930s witnessed the emerging confrontation with Fascism in Europe , a struggle which was played out on the battlefields of Spain from 1936 to 1939 .
11 The trial which was carried out in Oxford is by far the biggest of its kind .
12 Another consequence of this pattern is that ( c ) and ( g ) are now side by side — a configuration which was ruled out by every group .
13 This was in a letter to the committee which was read out at her hearing and passed round .
14 This understanding of the role of education can partly be explained by the experience of the literacy campaign which was carried out throughout Nicaragua shortly after the revolution .
15 This view was subsequently confirmed by a thorough review of the operation requirement which was carried out under the direction of the four chiefs of defence staff .
16 Some rough bloke who was going out with Katie .
17 ‘ Is it any wonder he was cast out of paradise ? ’
18 ‘ As a youngster he was sent out to Australia to work as a jackaroo on a sheep station .
19 As a child he was kicked out of school for various incidents , including throwing a desk at a teacher when he was just nine years old .
20 And when he built his first engine it was made out of erm iron and stuff and was extremely heavy .
21 He thought suddenly of how she must look , seen from inside the kitchen she was leaning out of ; an ugly sexual idea occurred to him , and he looked about for the big black BMW bike , but it was n't there .
22 Alongside the usual duties of a curate , I worked as leader of a faith sharing team which was sent out to many parishes leading weekends of renewal and weeks of mission .
23 Timothy glanced at the marquis who was gazing out of the window , apparently deaf to the conversation .
24 And erm my father and another lad who was working out in the had to go Called Michael , had to go down every evening to pump water for the the animal .
25 She 'd told her husband she was going out for a walk with their pet dog , Kirsty , when she was found the dog was still clinging to her .
26 The presbytery there was carried out with details from his hand .
27 The New York-based journalist , who was researching a book about the U.S.P.G.A. Tour , simply stepped under the ropes and trailed the group he was following out onto the peninsula .
28 The working party instituted a feasibility study into the setting-up of a national information centre for credit transfer in higher and further education which was carried out between 1977 and 1979 , and a further study was completed in 1980 .
29 Instead it was the work of stitching which was put out to poorly paid women .
30 Beatty shot weakly when put through by Johnston , while Haylock was unlucky with a good strike which was deflected out for a corner .
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