Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [noun sg] [pron] do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One time , I meet a girl whose name I do n't remember .
2 Some pimpled boy whose name she did n't know put one finger coyly beneath his chin and snickered , ‘ Oh , look , she 's blushing . ’
3 We had gone through Mullinavat and came to a village whose name I do not know — if it ever had one .
4 Mum she nan she do n't normal .
5 ‘ Something will happen , ’ he repeated with a confidence whose basis he did n't like to investigate .
6 In a Christian context this appeal is to Christ ; in a pre-Christian context they could be a pagan 's appeal , to a forerunner of Christ , to a Saviour whose nature he did not know .
7 He might still only be a juvenile who had never flown freely on the wind but he felt he had done nothing to warrant the abuse and fury of an eagle whose name he did not even know .
8 These things he barely understood , and lacking anybody to talk to , it was at lunchtime sitting before an eagle whose name he did not know was Minch that he began to see his way towards them .
9 my Lord my Lord I do n't understand what 's supposed to be meant by malign or bad , it 's concerned with appreciable and appreciable and er something which has an appreciable or a more audane minimize impact upon the competition if it arise erm here perhaps because it , it is er a question of fairness but not normally
10 I was born in 1948 in Carlisle , the daughter of an unmarried working mother and a father whose name I do not know .
11 To that should be added a familiarity with the commonest ways of symbolising sounds ; a dictionary user faced with looking up a word whose spelling he does n't know , ought to be able to choose where to start looking for it , with a fair degree of success .
12 He spotted Amaranth Wilikins drinking champagne with Charles Harvey and a second man whose name he did not know .
13 Left alone now , she fell into a troubled sleep and a dream in which her father was decapitating men in the back yard , and one of them was the nice young man whose name she did n't know nor from where he came .
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