Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb past] up the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Employees benefited from Homequity 's guaranteed home sale programme which speeded up the sale and purchase of properties in the old and new locations .
2 With an anguished whimper she gave up the fight and kissed him back with a fervour born of all the long , lonely nights she 'd spent without him , her arms snaking up round his neck to pull him closer still .
3 The Empress was in great beauty … the Emperor also looked very impressive , and when after the ceremony he held up the child in his arms to present him to the multitude , the enthusiasm was genuine and great .
4 Anyway , that meant that the whole thing was top secret , because they did n't want to risk any leaks in case somebody followed up the work and got in first with a patent . ’
5 The committee which drew up the Act included a large representation from the Finnish National Board of Forestry .
6 She and Allan has , so far as the plot goes , the look of an afterthought , with a patchwork plot full of echoes of Quatermain 's other adventures and placing Ayesha in the same kind of danger from rebellion and rivalry which made up the story lines of She and Ayesha .
7 It was Dr. Joseph Thackeray , the newly appointed physician to the infirmary who took up the burden .
8 The story which most reminds me of animism ( if anything does ) is that of the angel who stirred up the pool of Bethesda ( John 5:1–15 ) .
9 Like a small child being told by stern parent she picked up the drink and tossed it back at a gulp .
10 Edwina Currie and Simon Hughes not only have the same face , voice and mannerisms — they are in fact the same person : creations of a con- and drag-artist who dreamed up the idea to draw two salaries , and now wishes he had n't .
11 To join the band , I first picked up the sweater piece with right side facing and then using a three pronged latch tool I picked up the band .
12 When he caught up with the spectators following the last match he picked up the information that had filtered back through the crowd 's grapevine .
13 It sounds quite absurd but the other day I walked up the footpath from the road just to see if it was .
14 The night I went up the bus was n't due to leave until 11 PM , so I left my luggage with the bus station and went for a meal .
15 Others speak of a Spanish grandee who offered up the corpse of his lovely young wife in this way , hoping in his grief that her elements might be dispersed about the air .
16 As I told the board before their meeting with the Receiver , the blame lies solely with the person who dreamt up the idea , namely Chester Bence .
17 The following day we took up the problem again .
18 On impulse I picked up the phone and rang her , hoping I still had the right number .
19 Next morning I cleaned up the vomit and got myself ready for school but I still had a nasty taste in my mouth and I was hot and achey .
20 In fact , it was rumoured that one of the Mill Hill guys had had his brain messed around with by the visitor who screwed up the landing in the Hebrides .
21 Sometimes it appeared that the police and the media were christening subsequent sex beasts as variants of The Fox , while , much more rarely , on other occasions it seemed to be the offender who took up the mantle .
22 As the woman who dreamed up the slogan ‘ A Dog Is For Life , Not Just For Christmas ’ , she needs to have a high profile for campaigning , while still being able to turn her hand to clearing the odd blocked drain that might occur at the kennels .
23 There was a rich woman who picked up the check for her friends — in short they were an entourage .
24 There was Emil Brunner one of the two leading Christian thinkers on the Continent of Europe ; there was Reinhold Niebuhr , one of the two leading Christian thinkers from the United States ; there was Visser t'Hooft , the Dutchman who built up the World Council of Churches ; there was J. H. Oldham , at that moment the leading thinker about Christian society in the British Isles ; and there was Bernard Manning , the Congregationalist historian who was a friend of the Ramsey family in Cambridge .
25 The next morning we walked up the glacier and did a lengthy rock scramble , the Trifthorn ( 3,728 metres ) , partly to acclimatise , and partly because Martin had tried it a few years earlier and failed to reach the top .
26 Sombre , though with a pacy , filmic sequencing he whipped up the orchestra to a marvellously stylish finale .
27 Despite the opposition of his father he took up the study of medicine , first at Leipzig University and then in Vienna , where his funds ran out , forcing him to take employment for a time with the Governor of Transylvania until he had accumulated sufficient money to continue his studies .
28 In the morning he picked up the van in Hilderbridge and drove to Jackley the long way round through Byss , having a newly upholstered chaise longue to deliver before he made the Jackley collection .
29 But the appalling Carl Douglas and Rubettes are just as potent salvagers of memory as Mike Oldfield and the Pink Floyd , because theirs was the music of harrowing , lust-ridden parties and halitotic discos ; theirs was the music which made up the soundtrack of the most exciting moments of our lives .
30 Brian George from Henley in Oxfordshire was the man who thought up the idea of the fraud .
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