Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [vb past] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I can still remember the humiliation I felt as I heard everyone laughing at me , and my brother laughing the loudest of all .
2 ‘ You eased her mind and the blow she took as she fell did the rest .
3 After a fractional hesitation she did as he said .
4 Their Bunny tails , as Norman Mailer put it , were ‘ puffs of chastity which bobbled as they walked . ’
5 Strange 's outburst was directed at a cameraman who clicked as he addressed the ball , and then as he reached the top of the backswing .
6 It was a shame we finished as we did .
7 She was the first person I met when I joined the Waaf , and the last person I saw as I left it .
8 Meh'Lindi wore a mildly blissful smile which vanished as she came alert again .
9 The intertwined limbs against a dark tree she passed as she left the park seemed beautiful to her .
10 By the shed he jumped as he heard what sounded like the dust-bin lid being pushed off .
11 One dark-haired man in a business suit he recognized as he hurried back inside the house .
12 From under the chair I watched as she scooped up the mess into a cloth , and dropped it in the bin .
13 It is hard to describe the feeling I had as I persuaded her scaly old feet on to my finger and gave her a dose of my very own medicine .
14 They wore white military costumes in the style of musketeers ; the fabric was impregnated with luminous paint which glowed as they marched and countermarched in the stage blackout .
15 What opulence they met as they settled into their private salons : Spanish leather armchairs embossed with gold , mahogany panelling inlaid with rosewood marquetry , damask curtains held by silk cords with gold tassels , thickly-carpeted floors , and each compartment was heated .
16 One of his hands closing over the slender curve of her hip made her lower body stir involuntarily , the increasing urgency of the gyrating movement explicit , both statement and summons , and Maria heard the harsh breath he drew as he absorbed it .
17 It had happened by accident , almost , just buying the furniture he liked as he saw it , odd pieces here and there , and then choosing the carpet and curtains in the expensive London store where he had happened to be making inquiries about another crime .
18 Apparently when they pulled me out of the river and bashed the water out of my belly the first thing I said as I came round was , ‘ Riddled with diseases , I 'm sure ’ and the crew broke up in this hysterical laughter .
19 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
20 The last thing she saw as she lurched out of the kitchen yard , and through the gates , was Bodie 's lean form , running into the yard behind her , and raising his pistol …
21 When they left the house next morning , to a sunny , rain-washed world , the first thing they noticed as they stepped out of the drive was a charcoal BMW with two young men in it , parked twenty yards from the front gate .
22 By now I had almost convinced Rick to change to the boilie when I had another take on the Tropicana ; this was all the convincing he needed as I landed a nice mirror around the 12lb mark .
23 He wore a black p.v.c. raincoat which creaked as he moved .
24 The way she smiled as she exhaled a first lungful of smoke suggested she fully intended her remark to be ambiguous .
25 The rage and hatred I felt as I wrote this letter was terrifying , like a sudden , violent illness .
26 On one of these trips to London when I was at school , good when we went with the Brownies , I went two or three times and er , one time when I was a bit older , I mean the first time I went as I say I was only about seven , but , when I was a bit older I went again , they said if
27 With bitter pain she replied as she had promised herself she would .
28 Whilst the ride itself was uneventful , the reception we received as we visited each of the sites in turn was fantastic .
29 The footwear they chose as they tramped and danced their way towards the end of the decade was improbable-looking to say the least .
30 I think the image might have been a ghost-negative of doctor number one — his black tracksuit and powerpack plimsolls , and the satisfied wince he gave as he pointed at my chest with a shake of his head .
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