Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [adv] [verb] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After that , it was easier to see that Strabo himself largely depended on posidonius and that Caesar , too , must have used Posidoriius in the ethnographic excursuses of the Bellurn Gallicurn .
2 On an average tour it will make the band up to £20,000 profit , a figure they rarely reach on ticket sales .
3 The ruler continued to enjoy , unless he were unusually vicious or unlucky , a respect which sometimes verged on worship .
4 To make a hole in masonry or concrete you do not need to exert anything like the pressure you do with a conventional percussion/ratchet hammer drill which basically relies on drill rotation to wear away the material .
5 The critique of male sexuality which originally focused on rape , developed through analyses of child sexual abuse and non-stranger rape — and later pornography .
6 Less dramatic but equally puzzling would be the problem posed by the patient who deliberately went on hunger-strike in order to end his suffering .
7 But in our rushed , modern lifestyle we often rely on convenience foods and snacks which may be lacking in proper nutrition .
8 Yeah Lis Lisa came in yesterday when I was round at Zed 's and she was complaining about how her keep fit class they bloody put on rave music .
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