Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [adv] [verb] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We therefore feel that a Pensions Act is now necessary in order to consolidate existing legislation , clarify the major areas of uncertainty which currently exist in trust law , and to introduce new safeguards which we believe to be necessary . ’
2 There seemed to be wide horizontal bands of light which slowly changed in intensity , with brighter spots growing and fading in places mysteriously against the deeps of eternity .
3 She was the only midwife in our district and if the women could n't afford her the neighbours helped , a practice which often ended in tragedy .
4 ‘ Passion 's prisoners , ’ she offered with acid amusement but none of the simple pleasure she usually took in alliteration .
5 Right and that was the result we generally observe in agriculture in that , for example , if you have ever been down to er the West the West of England where there is a number of apple growers you will find that when there is a very big harvest , right , apples just left to rot on trees , right , simply because it is not worth farmers harvesting er those apples because they wo n't get er price to cover their average vanable costs .
6 He heard the Direktor calling them back to work again , and he crossed to Ingrid who was nervously studying her score , her lips moving as yet again she went over the part she already knew in minute detail .
7 In all control and spinal patients studied , there was an initial increase in external anal sphincter electromyographic activity on insertion of the anorectal tube which then declined in concert with the anal pressure to reach a stable baseline .
8 Our medium term plan sets out a programme for developing the business we currently have in North America and Europe .
9 ‘ In charge of ’ means that once a person takes a vehicle on a road or public place he normally remains in charge of that vehicle until he has taken it off the road or public place again .
10 As the toga increased in social importance it also gained in size , though it clearly remained a difficult garment to wear .
11 Ms Robinson trained at Darlington College of Education which then specialised in nursery teaching and the town , she says , was a pilot for nursery education .
12 Wittek suggests that Bayezid I was aware of the criticisms of himself on religious grounds and that he sought investiture as Sultan of Rum , a title he already possessed in fact , from the Abbasid caliph in Cairo because he felt the need for a religious sanction for his regime .
13 When Dauberval defined what he meant by dances of character he undoubtedly had in mind some easily recognised characters of the commedia dell'arte , whose actors regularly played such roles as the absent-minded doctor or scientist , miser , termagant wife or widow and various clowns such as the sad Pierrot or zany clown .
14 By the time I left , I 'd beaten him down to about twice the price he probably had in mind .
15 One good example I recently reviewed in Angler 's Mail was the Toray hook length monofilament from Normark .
16 In this sense prices in period t are sticky : they are set one period in advance and are then unresponsive to the level of demand which actually occurs in period t .
17 In their hands love seemed a narrow-eyed , exclusive , selfish bastard , to enjoy itself at the expense of a woman who now lay in bed in Auntie Jean 's house , her life unconsidered .
18 His tone had changed again , and now he spoke like a worried father who still lives in hope for his son .
19 At six o'clock the next morning she finally fell in front of the door of the workhouse , and the people there took her in .
20 ( For Moore yellow is simply the quality we immediately apprehend in sight , not its physical basis . )
21 So when the Deputy Public Prosecutor himself suddenly appeared in person the assembled newshounds reacted like a gaggle of novices witnessing an apparition of the Virgin Mary .
22 Forever on the move , meeting new faces , constantly in demand socially whenever she was off duty , Liza Tremayne found that there were longer and longer periods between the days when she still suffered black despair over the thought that she would never again see the man she so resembled in character and who had given her , had she known it , more love than he had ever bestowed upon any other woman .
23 These results , were bore no relation to visible bacillary form mycobacteria or spheroplasts , suggest that M paratuberculosis was present in the original intestinal tissues of the Crohn 's disease patients , in a form which hardly replicated in broth culture , it at all .
24 During Jan. 13-15 , in a pogrom which reportedly surpassed in horror the massacre of Armenians in Sumgait in February 1988 [ see pp. 36034-35 ] , up to 60 people , most of them Armenians , were killed .
25 This is the cheaper version which only comes in aluminium
26 On the street , the BNP looks like what it is : a bootboys ' party that mobilises within a small number of inner-city areas from those sections of disaffected white working-class male youth who otherwise engage in football violence and similar activities .
27 To quote the memoirs : ‘ … on Sunday the 4th August 1793 , after having finished the morning duty he always performed in person , of visiting , prescribing for , and superintending the dressing of the wounds of the horses in the infirmary , he sat down to continue his treatise on the outward conformation of the horse , a work he intended for publication : in a short time he informed Mrs. Vial that he felt himself extremely ill complaining of cold to a degree of shivering , attended with a violent headach [ sic ] , and great thirst .
28 Another problem which frequently arises in practice is the claim by the employee that , after the end of his employment , he only used information which was already in his memory .
29 1.5 Business methods A further problem which frequently arises in practice is the ability of an employer to claim that information about " business methods " or " business organisation " constitutes a business secret which is protectable .
30 The picturesque result and subsequent offers to purchase , for substantially more than the couple had paid , were not lost on Jill 's father , chairman of a company which already specialised in timber frame building .
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