Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [modal v] have give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I 've used all my change I 'll have to give you five pounds .
2 ‘ If you were n't Eddie 's kid sister I 'd have given you a far harder ride for what you 've just accused me of this evening , so do n't push your luck , Dr Kate Ash , because you might come to regret it ! ’
3 It was the best wedding present I could have given her . ’
4 ‘ I said when we arrived two weeks ago that by the time it came to this Test you would have to give us a 50–50 chance because this is a one-off game , not part of a Test series .
5 For me , their own evaluations and this record book tells more about the progress of the children than any written examination I might have given them .
6 Right at this moment she would have given anything for a sight of Shirley and endured her fussing with pleasure .
7 Being the senior trainers for the whole county could be a full time job , and I am afraid that if that were the case we would have to give it all up .
8 If it had been at the border they 'd have given him five or even ten . ’
9 If we 'd been around in Nelson 's day he 'd have given his right arm for a copy .
10 ‘ I believe it was a very fair offer which would have given him the option of walking away with his dignity , but he said it was derisory and there are no more offers to be made . ’
11 If she 'd had the abortion it would have given us time to do that sort of thing .
12 If he had played me at the same age he 'd have given me three blacks start and a beating .
13 Under the energetic leadership of H. L. Dowbiggin , Inspector-General from 1913 to 1937 , the police gained sophistication which may have given them a relative advantage over some lawbreakers .
14 Vinny also missed a penalty which would have given him his hat-trick and brought the score to 5–2 .
15 She married and he only ever saw her once again , yet declared : ‘ She was really , really , the only being in the world who could have given me peace and rest . ’
16 He seemed obtuse , as she felt by this time that she had more than cancelled out any slight encouragement she might have given him at first .
17 Trailing 6-3 , Cardiff won a last-chance scrum on the Swansea line and the players pressured Hall into running the ball rather than going for a drop goal which would have given them a draw .
18 ‘ What will they do to you after I am gone ? ’ he exclaimed , and told Cranmer that he should change the crane on his coat of arms to a pelican , for like this bird he would have to give his life for his child , the English Church .
19 After missing him so desperately over the last six weeks it was more than she had ever dreamed of to find herself suddenly close to him again , and maybe by the time they reached their destination he would have given her some clue about the way he wanted things to be .
20 Mr Jarvis , who spent £40m expanding the chain on the Continent in recent years , said the decision followed Whitbread 's inability to negotiate a new exit clause in the franchise agreement which would have given it more protection .
21 One horrible night I found myself crouched at the door , listening for sounds of pain which would have given me pleasure , sounds of pleasure that would have hurt .
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