Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If you wish to break your contract I will inform your agent of your decision tomorrow morning . ’
2 I woke up frightened at having my knife and pill-bottles in the tent in case I should end my life during my night 's sleep .
3 Through a tear in the singlet I could see his rib bones sticking out .
4 Whereas if it 's at high level I can get me legs out .
5 Of course I 'll add your name to the list .
6 Of course I shall honour our agreement to the letter .
7 More tidy illustrations , and better handwriting I could underline my titles .
8 Matty said if you play football I 'll nick your Hulk Hogan .
9 Once I 'm absolutely clear in my own mind I 'll put my plan to you — but here 's the encampment and unless I 'm mistaken that 's Boz coming out to meet us . ’
10 Even if I had no longer been able to see the real images in my mind I could see their representations as clearly as if they hung before me , and the two were beginning to run together .
11 From my seat I could see your profile .
12 It was at this point that I left to seek medical help for fear I would split my sides .
13 In the rest of this chapter I will explain our thinking as clearly as I can , for there has been much misunderstanding .
14 He replies : It 's not the type of car I 'd want my wife to take to the shops .
15 She said that if I stood in my doorway I could see her face , for the girl was not veiled .
16 Give me five thousand pound I 'll fill your garage full of whatever .
17 I drank all the booze I could lay my hands on .
18 And I tell you that you are Peter , and on this rock I will build my church , and the gates of Hades will not overcome it …
19 And I say this to you : You are Peter the Rock ; and on this rock I will build my church , and the powers of death shall never conquer it .
20 As in a great Jesse window , the ancestry of the pope could be portrayed descending from the apostle to whom Christ had said " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " .
21 Christ had entrusted the government of His Church to St Peter and his successors in the words , " Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church " ( Matthew 16 : 18 ) and " I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth , it shall be bound also in heaven " ( Matthew 16 : 19 ) .
22 His range alone is impressive : he can spring into a left uchimata ( inner thigh throw ) then twist right into a seoi-nage ( shoulder throw ) and still retain sufficient balance to produce a sparkling footsweep which will send his opponent crashing to the ground .
23 The republicans , in other words , were keen to push the civil rights agitation further and to use it to build a radical coalition which would set its sights , eventually , on a united Ireland .
24 It 's very rare to have a perfect following wind which will run your float straight out .
25 The case , heard in February 1929 , revealed that , since his association with Arsenal began in 1910 , Sir Henry had placed some £15,000 of his own money at the club 's disposal ( a bounty which could explain his campaign against rising transfer fees ) .
26 But sources close to the Vienna talks said that the most difficult issue remained opposition by Kuwait to an OPEC quota which would limit its build up in production in the aftermath of the Gulf war .
27 Although in some cases enterprises have tried to develop realistic ‘ performative ’ plans ( Wernham 1985 : 633 ) , their incentives to do so are limited by the fact that plans are still subject to external political appraisal which may alter their content and assumptions and thus undermine managerial commitment .
28 comment area when we , these go out there would be guidance which would say their staff must make their comment in that space
29 Now you know this , do n't start applying it rigorously as a rule which will inhibit your sailing , merely let the body work it out for itself by noticing the levelness of the horizon .
30 Although the outlook may seem bleak , a constructive approach towards consultation might result in hitherto unconsidered options coming to light which could enable your job to be saved at the eleventh hour .
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