Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [be] go [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Thinking I was going to be pulled into some thicket and raped and murdered .
2 It completely slipped my mind I was going to be accused of theft !
3 As the role of er , business in the community is well at the top of personal agenda , in my job as I B M Personnel Director and Director of Corporate Affairs , the Corporate Affairs bit , er , is the piece I 'm going to be talking about .
4 ‘ Next term I 'm going to be teaching part of a course on the influence of gender on style , ’ Loretta added , again to little response .
5 Moustaine explained in a low , controlled voice that any violence which was going to be dished out would come from him and the Corporals .
6 In future she is going to be harder .
7 When I was very young — about 5 years old — I wanted to be a pilot because I had this girlfriend who was going to be a stewardess .
8 He asked after Fred 's new play and she ran on with unconvincing enthusiasm about a young actress who was going to be in it .
9 Because if you 're speaking from a script you 're going to be speaking like this .
10 What she did say was , ‘ In future there 's going to be a new rule : you 're going to have your bath before your daddy comes home . ’
11 We live in a technological age , and there are going to be major changes without a doubt , we 've all seen them over the past few decades , and into the future there are going to be many major changes .
12 There 's fear hanging over everybody with the local government review there 's going to be mass redundancies .
13 In fact radio is alive , kicking and expanding , and there are thousands of hours of radio going out , locally particularly , and every indication there are going to be more and more community radio stations in the future , and this is hungry time for material , so lots of opportunities in that particular way , at this stage .
14 I think the long term results of this are entirely good , but in the short term there 's going to be major instability , making life possibly quite nasty for everyone .
15 But with football it is going to be different .
16 The hero was being filmed taking his 10-month-old baby to the pool when he gets the first indication he is going to be threatened .
17 So whilst it 's desirable to encourage the use of rail , I think in in in practice it 's going to be er very difficult to achieve that and in therefore you should look at public transport in the round .
18 He saw little sign ‘ of the commitment to deepening European unity which is going to be the main thrust of European , if not domestic politics , in the next five or 10 years . ’
19 It 's marvellous that the Brighton Corporation came in , but nevertheless the building to perform a function which is going to be useful for the community as a whole has got to be properly funded .
20 Coun David Messham said the money which was going to be used on the consultation process would be better spent advertising and promoting the outstations .
21 I 'm going to be lively until I get a cat , if I do n't get a cat I 'm going to be lively for ever .
22 Like all commercial businesses British Steel must make a profit and times are hard , but this is cost cutting which is going to be detrimental to our community . ’
23 I think you 've assumed the answer to my question which was going to be to , addressed to Mr .
24 ‘ Besides , it pays to know a few things about a bloke you 're going to be sharing with , especially when that bloke 's topped three other geezers . ’
25 But here was Mick telling him something , he was talking about a young girl , not a little girl , a young girl who was going to be a secretary .
26 The difficulty I think that we 're facing , is that it 's happening in year two of a four year transition period , before we 've really got to grips with what the long-term position is , what the overall demands are , and to what degree we are going to be able to model , change , control and , and influence those demands .
27 er , we have in the East end of the village , including the pub , the farm , and various other properties , a certain type of properties that elevation , a certain sympathetic er amenity , and these buildings , I I heard the word mentioned earlier , I live in the country , I could live in the town , it does n't matter where I live , but these are not the sort of properties , in my opinion , that should be put on this particular site , er and they 're they 're totally , all our own elevations and plans of height , and they are totally and utterly out of proportion and out of scale with the present day entrance to the village , and whilst we 're not talking totally and utterly about looks , if you come down into the village they are going to be totally over powering , particularly in the , in the actual , in this situation of no hedges and that kind of thing ,
28 All this will build up muscle , but not the right muscle for the work he is going to be asked to do .
29 You know at the bottom it 's going to be avalanche time .
30 What 's a half plus a third ? that 's no problem add the top two add the bottom it 's going to be two fifths it 's obvious is n't it .
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