Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He could outmanoeuvre them if he wished but he could not get rid of them and he was only groping round in circles about the tree he had made his own .
2 As to the rest of his question then of course I and I suspect and perhaps I know that everybody in the house would urge Sinn Fein er to consider very seriously a positive response to the joint declaration .
3 The user can select any screen font he or she prefers and can enter copy in almost any fashion .
4 Using the mouse or cursor keys the user points to the main heading of the menu he or she wants and the menu pulls ( Windows ) or drops ( GEM ) from the heading .
5 In such situations — where the best X per cent of students are to get the As , the next best nX per cent the Bs , and so on — the grade awarded to a student depends not on the absolute level of performance he or she attains but on how he or she performs relative to other students .
6 On the surface this structure would seem to have much to commend it , guaran-teeing , as it does , every child a right to an educational curriculum of distinctive breadth and depth irrespective of the type of school he or she attends and irrespective of the talents the child possesses .
7 The child may rationalise the situation by saying that the family is the only family he or she knows and thereby acquire a psychic balance .
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