Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly underwriters took blocks of stock which they moved on to clients .
2 The first is a transcript taken from some ethnographic research which I carried out into the culture of racism amongst young white men living on a large council estate in South London .
3 And he looked pointedly at his watch , a fine gold hunter which he pulled out of his pocket and cocked an eye at .
4 We share a vast depth of vulnerability which we cover up in different ways .
5 ‘ As you see , I 've got this white board which we fill up with all the various activities .
6 Devlin rammed the muzzle of the Walther into his neck and reached inside Berger 's coat , removing the Mauser which he tossed on to the bar .
7 Then a bridle which is on the horse 's head and a bit , in the horse 's mouth and reins attached to the bit which we hold on to .
8 The flood of diverse human experience which it brings down to our own life and time is in no sense or degree foreign to us , but has become the native experience of men of our own race and culture .
9 As he thrust his hands into the fire and pulled out a burning branch which he waved around without the slightest sign of discomfort , the goat-headed figure thrust his arms out for silence .
10 ‘ I 'm also trying to shake off a cold which I picked up in Belgium . ’
11 But then you come to the problem , erm , because for ninety four five , erm , the formula suggests that we would need less staff , that might seem a bit odd but the , the reason is that if you do indeed bring your target times down , then the amount of work which your passing over into the next year is er considerably less , erm than the amount of work which you passed over into this year ,
12 For Gertrude Jekyll the arts and crafts creed of unity of the arts was not just an artistic concept but fundamental to her special art and skills in home-making which she passed on to Lutyens , inspiring him to build not just houses but homes .
13 At the same time Fastolf s attitude to the practicalities of war reflect a hardheadedness which was essentially of this world : the plan which he drew up in 1435 favouring a ‘ tough ’ approach to the war made little concession to romantic ideas of chivalry which would influence a knight 's conduct in war .
14 I shared it with a coloured girl who I got on with and we had a good laugh .
15 She wrapped them in a piece of pale yellow silk which she tied up with a purple ribbon , and enclosed them in a square biscuit tin which she pushed to the very back of the buffet , behind the piles of tablecloths and napkins .
16 I could still read the name of the English toffee manufacturer on the lid which she prised off with a knife .
17 As a great admirer of ‘ Laura Ashley ’ dresses , she often wore the long , British-made cotton dresses to Embassy functions — once she found she was clothed in the same fabric as a sofa — an embarrassment which she carried off with great panache .
18 In Berkeley 's view , the mistaken doctrine of abstraction is also involved in the distinction between primary and secondary qualities , a distinction which he rejects along with the materialism it involves .
19 He was aware of one thing about Ken on these trips : his concern about a lack of education which he made up for with his voracious reading .
20 At this stage the fish were all a dull brown which I put down to the new environment — the photograph I has seen showed a tan coloured upper body smothered with black patches .
21 He hopped in and unzipped the rucksack , taking out only the scope which he pointed back towards the lakeside .
22 Prince Adam promptly donated the entire museum to a foundation which he set up for the purpose , to which he also ceded all his rights to his pre-war estates and property .
23 Say if we do n't get it right at the beginning what we get out at the end can be very successful .
24 This is a penalty that Yugoslavia pays for the large share of its foreign trade which it carries on with countries having inconvertible currencies .
25 Nkrumah managed to keep up a correspondence by writing on lavatory paper which he wheedled out of his cellmates .
26 After the coffee and cognac were served she delved into her handbag and withdrew a folded sheet of paper which she held out to him .
27 These voices were all inside him , waiting to be freed , and the significant point is the formal pattern which he creates out of these disparate personalities .
28 My parents , children of the Depression , had a credit account at the city 's major department store which they kept up to date every month .
29 North American house wrens favour sloughed snake skins and the eider duck grows special downy feathers on its own breast which it plucks off with its beak to produce a soft and warming blanket that none of man 's synthetic materials can equal .
30 Keith Sheridan took four for 34 , a fine performance by the Poloc spinner , and he had the honour of taking top scorer Kenny Jackson 's wicket , thanks to an excellent catch by David Cowan , only two balls after the Freuchie bowler had dislocated a finger which he put back in himself .
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