Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] [adv prt] on the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Actually , I happen to have-a flask of Scotch on me , just in case I broke down on the road …
2 Karl is a serious musician who missed out on the nihilism of the Seventies punk and largely retained Sixties hippy values .
3 We hope to be collecting feedback on any research you carry out on the tape within the next 4 to 6 months , and if you are to have time to work with it , we must get it to you as soon as possible .
4 As you will appreciate we hope to be collecting feedback on any research you carry out on the tape within the next 4 to 6 months , and if you are to have time to work with it , I would like to supply it as soon as possible .
5 As you will appreciate we hope to be collecting feedback on any research you carry out on the tape within the next 4 to 6 months , and if you are to have time to work with it , we ought to try to supply it as soon as possible .
6 We hope to be collecting feedback on any research you carry out on the tape within the next 4 to 6 months , and if you are to have time to work with it , we ought to try to supply it as soon as possible .
7 ‘ Real people — Real problems — a human document ’ declared the poster for There Ai n't No Justice ( 1939 ) , about a boxer who walks out on the crooked world of the professional fighter .
8 Feeling rather conspicuous in her towel and bikini , she followed him up to the palatially decorated VIP suite , and into the bathroom — trying not to notice the bedroom they passed through on the way .
9 With a heavy sigh she lay back on the pile of beach cushions , closing her eyes against the early-morning sun , already climbing high in the sky .
10 a rather simple girl who hangs about on the outskirts of a village …
11 No , just the same machine we had over on the other side , aye , it has n't changed at all .
12 Back at home they lay out on the terrace on the spread quilts and Rufus said he would sleep there .
13 With a brief laugh he lay back on the bed , closing his eyes .
14 you just like the idea of bacon cooking you picked up on the same idea .
15 I always had to call out Mr Davidson — the vet who lived out on the Downs — but he 's gone and retired .
16 To the crews ' embarrassment I stumped up on the bridge wearing the eye patch and the parrot on my shoulder with the added embellishment of an iron hook up the loose sleeve of my coat , to take Venturous alongside in full view of a crowd of holidaymakers lining the pier who , although somewhat mystified , obviously enjoyed the show .
17 Struck one , breaking the match which fizzed out on the floor .
18 This was a ground-floor room which bulged out on the side of the house looking towards the big lawn and the stables .
19 They were sitting as they always did when her father was home , in the large airy dining room which looked out on the stone patio where in the summer clematis bloomed white and purple .
20 After a moment she came out on the landing and she was dressing .
21 It reaches us through not only the filtering processes of memory but also the demands of style : and this is particularly obvious in this instance Although his autobiography was never published , the teller of this tale , James Mackenzie , was a professional showman who ended up on the fairground stage .
22 My father always used to say , ‘ The holiday begins the moment we set off on the way . ’
23 That evening we looked back on the day with our fellow guests whose interests — from birdwatching to archaeology , cave-exploring to gliding — reflected the enormous variety of activities catered for across the region .
24 That evening we looked back on the day with our fellow guests whose interests — from birdwatching to archaeology , cave-exploring to gliding — reflected the enormous variety of activities catered for across the region .
25 By common consent they sat down on the wet seat of ‘ Traveller 's Rest ’ , huddled under the umbrella , and stared out across the city .
26 Galliéni , who was senior to Joffre , had been offered the supreme command , a post he turned down on the grounds that all his experience had been as a colonial soldier and administrator .
27 It should be remembered that a company can only be the firm 's appointed representative if the firm accepts responsibility for the whole of the investment business it carries on on the firm 's behalf .
28 The breakthrough was a squat we turned over on the south coast , two years back .
29 Now they were in a lesser hallway , an irregular square which opened out on the right into a short passage which turned under the angle of the stairs .
30 A sign which went up on the Raiders ' dressing-room door after the match , advising that only Australian media personnel were welcome , bore witness to the visitors ' touchiness about defeat , though at least they did not follow Manly 's example and grumble about the referee .
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