Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] [prep] [be] for " in BNC.

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1 During the period between the Fascist ascendancy of 1934 and the collapse of Mosley 's hopes in March 1937 , Joyce 's personal life had undergone a change which seemed to be for the better .
2 Although ‘ English ’ does have connections with the genuine disciplines of history and philosophy it came into being for cultural rather than disciplinary reasons .
3 The more Jane Holt mulled things over in her mind , the less cause there seemed to be for alarm .
4 Because er it 's a that 's that 's just the way it has to be for the present , at the end of the
5 So , gratitude it has to be for the glimpse of a hornbeam 's golden rain of catkin pollen in a sheltered copse where , among primroses and the first bluebells , sorrel shows its delicate pink flowers and ( useful in salads ) triple leaflets , which Saint Patrick used to demonstrate the nature of the Trinity .
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