Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nina knows about the lymphoma ; I had to cancel a prearranged lunch at Langans with her as it coincided with my short stay in hospital , and rather than make up an excuse I thought it an opportune time to tell her .
2 When I first heard the first noise I thought what the bloody hell 's that and I turned the sound down .
3 At the first meeting in the department I did what every other Transport Minister appears to have done over the previous ten years : I hired Professor Sir Alec Cairncross to advise me .
4 In August 1910 she suffered a heart attack , and two years later she had a stroke which left her a paralysed cripple .
5 The 18-year-old Ryton Comprehensive School pupil was over two seconds behind winner Debbie France , of Hull Achilles , but demonstrated the kind of talent which won her an English Schools ' title at Derby two years ago .
6 During 1991 his position was undermined by a series of minor scandals concerning his use of government aircraft and cars for private business , a practice which earned him a public rebuke from Bush .
7 we can say generally that whatever is regarded as a truth functions as a norm of thinking , [ and ] imposes upon the conscious agent who recognizes it a distinctive selection and organization of some data of his experience .
8 At the German border we were helped by a German trucker who got us the required stamps .
9 It takes a load off their mind they know who the new owners are going to be .
10 In today 's programme he gives us an exclusive interview , the first since his heart attack four months ago .
11 One day Tom came to see me and poured out a story which told me the other side of his ambitious , over-achieving self .
12 It was the oldest Boeing remaining in existence which made it an historical treasure , and it was an interesting aircraft beyond that because it flew in so many of the old Hollywood movies .
13 But Murphy did n't start and Nolan hit early trouble with his Sapphire Cosworth 4x4 suffering suspension damage which cost him a two-minute delay while repairs were carried out between stages .
14 It insists , however , that that will be done in a constitutional framework which allows everyone an equal chance to endorse any conception of the good and to realize it .
15 They do not uplift or inspire by style or ‘ credo ’ as do , say , C S Lewis , Primo Levi or Bonhoeffer 's LETTERS FROM PRISON , but James and Spark certainly have a richness of language and a liveliness which makes them a good read .
16 They preferred their little aerosols of teargas which gave them a false sense of security .
17 Alec Stewart 's charge has a stiffer task here , but is getting 6lbs from the favourite which gives her a sporting chance of stopping Daru 's unbeaten run of four victories .
18 This meant that people were no longer willing to put up with unsatisfactory Church officials ; laymen especially were developing a personal spirituality which gave them a new confidence and commitment to their faith and which also enabled them to form an independent view of theology and Church organisation ; they no longer had to rely on the educated establishment .
19 In Kenya Harris Okong'o Arara continues to serve a five-year sentence imposed in 1988 under a law which makes it a criminal offence simply to possess literature critical of the government .
20 The quartet carries an instrumental arsenal which gives it the necessary weight to produce the ominous , bass-heavy sounds that accompany Max Schreck 's marvellously decrepit , zombie-like portrayal of Count Dracula .
21 In 1861 Crookes made the discovery which brought him the necessary eminence ; he identified the new element thallium .
22 The head of the family when I first remember them was William Henry Bayles who was Grandmother 's cousin and the father of a lady who taught me a little bit of music .
23 I do not regard a judge who makes what an appellate court later regards as a mistake of law as abusing his powers .
24 ‘ No wonder they call us the black Irish ! ’
25 We pay every week to get into the game ; this money goes to the manager and team , and in return they owe us a good afternoon 's entertainment .
26 The project scientist who sent me the disappointed and sceptical account of all this said that there were shrieks from the store room , but not of success .
27 Hailed as the troubled comic genius who gave us the manic hotel-keeper Basil Fawlty and the Ministry of Silly Walks , he 's also the kingpin of the enduring Pythons and a multi-millionaire businessman .
28 I hung a right which cost us a fair amount of starboard body work and a couple of hub caps .
29 The old tiger himself pronounced it a good idea , even if his friends had to listen in a state of uncharacteristic sobriety .
30 He was fascinated by the corset which gave her a youthful figure and set about reproducing it.In 1968 , they invented the Wonderbra which has been a best-seller for more than 20 years .
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