Example sentences of "[noun sg] [pron] [verb] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In faith I have applied to go to Sydney , Australia in September .
2 The anger goes , no point in being mad , and I remember a tasty bit of gum I 've got stashed in the classroom , and I fancy it .
3 Either they have been slobby , and it has eventually got depressing having to argue the case for owning a toothbrush ; or they have been scrupulous — in which case I have started longing for a bit more rough-and-readiness .
4 Because of my constituency , since election I have continued to deal with them .
5 In the afternoon I meant to go swimming with Christopher , but I do n't think we 're going swimming
6 He also arranged to have a guitar I wished to sell collected on my behalf — all this and a wicked deal to boot !
7 At certain times of the month and whatever , I could be using half a gram a day and towards the end of the month whatever money I had left went on It .
8 It really looks something , and judging from the amount of saliva I have to keep wiping off the top , everyone else thinks so too .
9 As these lectures are concerned with the role of religion I have decided to look at Marxism in terms of two triads — one of commitment and the other of outcome .
10 For my GCSE Open Study I have chosen to look at the theme of obsessional love in ‘ The Collector ’ by John Fowles and ‘ The Great Gatsby ’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald .
11 In fact , I 'd go so far as to return a compliment I 've had paid to me by men many times over in my eventful life .
12 The black metallic S curve of the elevated train shadowed the squalor of the lower east side which had begun to grow under it .
13 Moreover , that those increases in recorded crime which did occur came after the onset of the panic .
14 Volcanic bombs can be composed of either lava , or of preexisting rock which has become incorporated into the magma in the neck of a volcano .
15 The attacks had been committed on April 19 , 1989 , by a gang of some 30 youths who went " wilding " — a term which came to mean rampaging through the park perpetrating random assaults .
16 For a week six bubbles were filled with boxes full of potpourri which had become infested with moths .
17 Phantasy is that part of mental functioning which continues to work according to the pleasure principle , even after the emergence of the reality principle in mental life .
18 It was held that the defendant who had sought to push through the police cordon was committing the offence of obstructing a constable in so doing .
19 Sylvia Dick is finally reunited with the car she thought had gone for good .
20 Those few casual workers in the catering industry who do seem to work on a more or less continuous , almost full-time basis over a long period for a single organisation ( the plaintiffs in the oft-cited " O'Kelly case " ) , tend to possess skills which that organisation , and indeed other potential employers , value .
21 A WOMAN who tried to smuggle drugs into Britain died in hospital yesterday after packets of cocaine she had swallowed leaked in her stomach .
22 ‘ As a side you have to learn to cope with new styles , temperaments and pressures .
23 Accordingly , article 119 did not apply to the Employment Secretary 's liability to make section 106 payments , and an employee who had become entitled to a state pension and was then dismissed for redundancy was not entitled to a payment from the Employment Secretary under section 106 .
24 With us are four members of the local sea-kayaking club who have agreed to act as guides and mentors for our first couple of days .
25 The hired car we had ordered stood outside the hotel .
26 The inflatable boat we had heard had in fact transported the drugs ashore and ferried out food and fuel .
27 Territories here are seen as action-facilitating in the sense that many of the patterns of action we have observed rely for their appropriateness on the fully defined context in which they take place .
28 Now it 's one of those unfortunate things that when people talk about maintaining standards , the only sort of , in an sense , external sort of guidance they 've got to go for are things like examination passes .
29 With a hissing intake of breath , Benny grabbed Petion 's arm , and pointed to the figure they had seen dragged into the open .
30 After twelve years with the Inland Revenue he had quit to work for Arnold Wesker 's ill-fated Centre 42 project at Chalk Farm 's Roundhouse .
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