Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj -er] [noun] than " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Lilliputians look upon fraud as a greater crime than theft , and therefore seldom fail to punish it with death ; for they allege that care and vigilance , with a very common understanding , may preserve a man 's goods from theft , but honesty has no defence against superior cunning . ’
2 Another possible course of action would be to set up an ‘ Old Students ’ or ‘ Alumni ’ Association with a wider membership than convocation .
3 The adopted child can count upon help and friendship from a larger circle than the ordinary child .
4 A painting is an illusion in a stricter sense than a model or make-up or a stuntperson double .
5 The Labour administration elected to the Greater London Council in 1981 was committed to an extensive programme of economic intervention , to be supported by economic research on a larger scale than previously experienced in local government and with radically new approaches to generating and implementing policy .
6 Light : Requires plenty of bright light over a longer period than is required by most other plants .
7 Light : Requires bright light over a longer period than is required for most aquarium plants .
8 Light : Needs very good light over a longer period than is used for other water plants Water temperature : 68°–78°F .
9 Capitalists realized the rising share of profits by increasing investment at a faster rate than production ( figure 8.10 ) .
10 The very concept assumes the existence of a higher power than that of the nation state .
11 James Logan , William Penn 's secretary , obtained for him from England Parkinson 's herbal , probably his Theatrum botanicum ( 1640 ) and made it ‘ a present to a person worthier of a heavier purse than fortune has yet allowed him ’ .
12 I hope that these reflections upon the justifications for the enforcement of contracts place the difficulties experienced by teachers of contract law in a clearer perspective than before .
13 The Report , however , suggests that ‘ There were grounds for thinking that in some cases detective officers were interpreting the law in a stricter fashion than might be required by a court of law . ’
14 The Conservatives went into the campaign in a worse position than when they lost to Labour under Harold Wilson in 1964 , and that position , if anything , deteriorated , yet there seems to have been a last-minute surge in the Tories ’ favour .
15 You can qualify for housing benefit on a higher income than for supplementary benefit .
16 Headline hitting cases such as those of Maria Colwell and Jasmine Beckford , for example , led to in-depth investigations into the action of the social workers and other professionals responsible for the children 's welfare , and also alerted both professionals and society in general to the existence of child abuse on a wider scale than hitherto acknowledged .
17 However , this implicitly assumes that the investor may be able to reinvest the dividend for the same return at a lower risk than the firm ( or for a higher return for the same risk ) which , given the asymmetry of information , can not be the case unless the firm itself has an inferior investment policy , in which case the investor would be advised to withdraw his or her investment from the firm completely .
18 It 's sort of a louder noise than normal this , you know .
19 With the help of U.G.C. funding , Salford University is considering setting up an alumni body with a wider membership than that of Convocation .
20 The viral RNA competed most efficiently ( lanes 15–16 ) , indicating that NCp7 binds RNA with a higher affinity than DNA .
21 However , there 's no doubt that a usp puts the creative team in a stronger position than not having one , as long as he or she succeeds in selling it to the public .
22 This would put the vendor in a better position than it would have otherwise been in had the sale not taken place .
23 The moth can hear the bat from a greater distance than the bat can pick up the echo from a flying moth ; to be precise , a moth can hear a bat about 100 feet away , whereas a bat can detect a moth at a range of less than 8 feet .
24 They operate to create expectations as to future behaviour between members of the international community in a wider setting than treaties .
25 The Court of Appeal was satisfied that the following matters were among those to which attention should be paid : 1 The nature of the employment Employment in a capacity where " confidential " material is habitually handled may impose a high obligation of confidentiality because the employee can be expected to realise its sensitive nature to a greater extent than if he were employed in a capacity where such material reaches him only occasionally or incidentally .
26 On the other hand teaching machines are one way of utilising the skilled teacher on a larger scale than his personal activity in the classroom .
27 As the depth is obviously restricted this form of extraction would take place over a wider area than normal but in a district like this where the overburden is thin this is no real hardship .
28 During the fluent phase , planning takes place over a larger unit than the clause .
29 I had not intended to intrude on my hon. Friend 's speech , but does he consider that a schoolteacher , whose salary is fixed through national wage agreements by the independent pay review body for teachers and who lives in my hon. Friend 's or my constituency in the south-east , is better able to afford the council tax on a higher band than a teacher who lives in Darlington or elsewhere in the north ?
30 Even if women do return to work after having children , the majority go to a new employer and often to a job at a lower status than the one they left .
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