Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] move [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's always held a special meaning for me , and when the development is completed I have every intention of moving back into the area and making my home here .
2 Mr Devlin is the son of a surgeon , and was educated at Dulwich College before moving on to the London School of Economics where he graduated with a BA in modern history .
3 Why did it feel so right to have Luke stroke his hand along the curve of her thigh , to feel it slide up over her hip and dip into the hollow of her waist before moving on to the fullness of her breast ?
4 PRESTWICK 's David Gourlay , jun , the first Scot in action in yesterday 's opening day of the £140,000 Midland Bank World Indoor Championship , survived an off-green setback before moving through to the second round with a three sets to one win over past UK champion Stephen Rees .
5 The idea was that the police would wait until they had incontrovertible evidence before moving in for the arrest , but Branson and Draper had barely sat down with the Clarkes before some forty policemen swarmed through the door , knocking over tables and chairs and arresting the two brothers .
6 The establishment of hospices is a genuine example of moving out of the margins and into the city of the world ( Du Boulay 1984 ) .
7 The use of And yet in the third paragraph , for instance , gives the impression that the writer is thinking aloud , or perhaps just moving back and forth along the same line of argument — as one would do in chatting to a friend — rather than firmly wrapping up one stage in the argument before moving on to the next as is the case in the German text .
8 It does not format modules in charge code order , in other words it does not fill the volume for a particular charge code before moving on to the volume for the next charge code .
9 Many users navigate these databases with the assistance of any available controlled indexing terms ; they may even search a related database with controlled index terms first , in order to identify some documents and refine their search strategy before moving on to the natural language of the full-text databases .
10 The eyes of the slow reader will stop on each word before moving on to the next one .
11 Working on three floors at once we decided to we needed to continue work on the seventh floor before moving up to the eighth and so on to the ninth by the information given us in the er we calculated that the men that were to get onto the programme by the end of the week calculated the production rate for various gangs to see how fast so that 's how it was looking .
12 But there was the required amount of glamour in the movie , largely through the introduction of Anita Harris , who had been both hit pop singer and dancer before moving on to the ‘ Carry On ’ lot .
13 After a few seconds he looked like a Dark Age warlord in mid campaign , in mid mop-up , on mired mountaintop , taking a glazed breather before moving on to the women and children .
14 ‘ The lad has a history of moving on in the game .
15 More often , they simply died ; the after-dinner heart attack while slumbering in one of the club 's deep leather chairs was a popular way of moving on to the great gentleman 's club in the sky .
16 It was also a way of moving up in the world .
17 Within a year or so you will have the satisfaction of moving in to the house you have built with your own hands ; your old home will have been sold , allowing you to pay back the building society loan you took out to buy the land and materials ; and there will be more than enough profit , considering how much you saved by using your own labour , to pay for some champagne to celebrate .
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