Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] his [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Reflexions Concerning the Virtues of Tar Water ( 1744 ) , his first book , cogently argued the case for his product over the well-known medicine of George Berkeley , bishop of Cloyne [ q.v . ] .
2 ‘ A despatch from our correspondent in Washington quoting a report from American Diplomatic sources in Berlin , of a meeting between Hitler and Stalin at Brest-Litovsk , carries the reasonable assumption that Stalin seeks a quid pro quo from the Führer for his compliance over the conquest of Poland .
3 In it he described a succession of his dreams over a period of thirty years , which seemed to show glimpses of the future , and provided a theory of time to account for them .
4 He said he would be considering his future with his family over the weekend and would possibly be returning to business — his last position was as chief executive of Ridgway 's Tea .
5 On 5th March a successful meeting of the Group was held in Glasgow when Mr F. J. Kennedy , Reporter to the Children 's Panel , Glasgow , gave a most interesting and inspired talk on his experience over the last few years .
6 He groaned , and shifted a little , tantalising her with the answering flicker of his tongue over the heavy swell of her breast , before he took her mouth again in a long and hungry kiss .
7 Again , Simon threw the top half of his body over the drum , sinking it with his weight .
8 It is clear that Watson spends a great deal of time wrestling with his conscience over the choice between morals and results .
9 In an action brought by the Crown in 1636 , he was accused of felling 19,320 trees reserved for shipbuilding , and of having consumed annually 300,000 loads of wood in his ironworks over the preceding seven years .
10 Virginia 's doctor , a self-important little man , had a patient once who lost her memory after the shock of seeing her husband fall to his death over a cliff .
11 Although I left him in no doubts about my opinion of his behaviour over the past few weeks , I was n't quite as brutal with him as I might have been .
12 He must have been well placed to advance from the re-establishment of his supremacy over the Picts in 672 to the imposition of it also on the Scots , and an opportunity may have been provided when Domangart was slain in 673 and his nephew , Máeldúin , son of Conall Crandomna , became king .
13 For the purposes of voting , a secured creditor may value his security and vote for the excess of his debt over the security held .
14 A DERWENTSIDE councillor could face censure from his colleagues over a remark about Albert Dryden who shot and killed the council 's chief planning officer last year .
15 I wish my right hon. Friend luck in his negotiations over the common agricultural policy , but I do not believe that if it were modified , as a result of my right hon. Friend 's efforts , to suit all our needs , the British farming industry would be able to take sufficient advantage of the improved conditions if its own marketing arrangements had not also been improved .
16 Before they scored , they carved a golden chance but Booker won no prize for his volley over the stand .
17 But he could not see , not flung , sprawled , on the flat of his back over the pan and his head against the cistern .
18 ‘ We think alike , you and I. ’ Putting the flat of his hand over the plans , he pushed them aside .
19 The young man 's disillusionment when it comes confirms , not only the observer 's prediction , but the superiority of his evaluation over the young man 's , although not necessarily its correctness .
20 To the author , French superiority in this respect was only one aspect of the more general superiority of his country over the other .
21 The vote on a motion tabled by the Kingswood MP , Roger Berry , opposing an ‘ independent and unaccountable European Central Bank ’ was seen as a test of Mr Smith 's leadership and control of his party over the issue of Europe .
22 Hero McCullough even went on to take the third round in his victory over the tough Cuban Joel Casamayor .
23 Placing the right leg forward , the student leans back over his left leg and drops his hands to the floor , while keeping watch on his opponent over the right shoulder .
24 And she finally ends by saying , ‘ All I can look forward to now is the toneless drone of the master 's voice and the pendulum swing of his leg over the desk . ’
25 But he makes no secret of his pleasure over the ruling in the Guggenheim case .
26 Stacey found her father , a 47-year old roofing worker , slouched in an armchair with his legs over the arm .
27 Dostoevsky set great store by this chapter which marks the acutest phase of his tribulations over The Possessed , because his editor Katkov refused to print it .
28 The judge said that the arrangement reached between Bunn and the husband was that the latter ‘ would go home and discuss the matter with his wife over the weekend . ’
29 In describing the position in the terms : ‘ the bank told Kennedy to go home and discuss the matter with his wife over the weekend , ’ I am forced to the conclusion that the judge must either have overlooked the evidence to which I have just referred , or to have failed to appreciate its significance .
30 The referee made a sweeping gesture with his arm over the prostrate figure of the white fighter .
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