Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] a [adj] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Whereas sport occupies a somewhat peripheral place in the spectrum of career possibilities for most members of society , it occupies a central berth for a great many blacks .
2 Mrs. Davey , whose husband had been an agent for a good many years on £16:0s.:0d. per month was granted £16 : 12s. : 8d. upon his death in 1847 .
3 Starting from the classical theories of elasticity such questions as the prediction of elastic moduli from the inter-atomic forces and the part played by crystal structure and crystal defects have been the subject of research for a great many years .
4 Lorton noticed that the news appeared to give pleasure to a great many people .
5 He and his wife Ann were unstinting of their time in attending lectures , functions and committees and they won the affection and admiration of a great many people at all levels .
6 I say minimal both because it is rather modest , in contrast say to Jakobson 's , and because it seems to present a demand that it should be very difficult for modern literary studies to deny : that in describing the language of literary texts a degree of rigour is required such as has been notably absent from the work of a great many critics .
7 This power , above all things should be the unfailing ally of the forces trying to maintain law and order but it has been allowed to become weakened to the point that it is almost non-existent in the mental make-up of a great many people .
8 A beautiful wilderness area of mountains , rivers and marshes , it is the home of a great many birds and the most southerly station for some of the real Arctic species .
9 He said : " I express our sincere contrition at Japanese past actions that inflicted unbearable suffering and sorrow upon a great many people of the Asian-Pacific region . "
10 The position of retired people ensures a degree of economic dependency for many , and poverty in a good many cases , which accentuates all other difficulties .
11 The conflicts of Horus and Seth formed an epic struggle with a great many episodes , during the course of which neither god escaped injury , but Horus achieved the final victory in this triumph of good over evil .
12 Even in 1993 , Keith points out , management information reaching the boardroom in a great many companies is often of poor quality , not timely , not relevant or unintelligible .
13 We 've created in Ulster and Ireland a monster that will terrify the island for a good many years to come .
14 This — masked in various ways — is at the root of a good many problems which demand attention from social workers and all too often the manner in which it develops runs along sexual lines , especially with girls .
15 The Great Exhibition lasted from May until October and attracted visitors from all over the world to see the various items of produce exhibited , and a Mr. Thomas Cook enlarged his business by arranging trips to that Exhibition from a great many places .
16 Authors in both traditions happily wrote away in the footsteps of the great Sherlock for a good many years after his second , slightly less flamboyant departure from the scene .
17 AIDA ruled the advertising world for a good many years , in the absence of anything better .
18 And the other reason they do n't want to turn up is primarily because they do know that we have compulsory purchase powers and the planning — the paper put forward by the Chief Planning Officer today was a vindication of wage for a good many years , a good many months rather , that we do have compulsory purchase powers and we are able to use them and it was specifically asked at the Panel today , by both Monty Finnist and Sir Monty Finnist and Tony Christopher , why does n't the City Council market this site and use its compulsory purchase powers and that 's one question to address tomorrow as a politician who could make that decision .
19 I used to do the Countess 's hair , and she was pleased with me ; in those days it was a matter of a great many curls , and diamond clasps and the like , on ladies ’ heads .
20 Client care , at its most basic and in common with a great many practice development concepts , is the application of common sense : giving the clients what they want , putting the client first and , above all , asking clients for their views on what constitutes good service .
21 It sounded as though he had already said the same thing to a great many others .
22 Zoos are host to a great many viruses .
23 And the conservative group is running the council in the sense that labour has scrambled , obviously over the last few days , to reduce its tax level to something closer to the tories and I 'm going to stand with my fellow liberal democrats tonight and vote for a higher figure because , not only because I think that there 's sort of things we want to do in our budget , are b are b are better and and would be better done than not done , but because I think there 's a fundamental political ethical issue here and it 's one which has been confronting this country for a great many years and which is going to be crucial in the next election .
24 If a thorough search was made of the ale-house and its out-buildings he would go to prison for a great many years .
25 As for printers the most common requirement is to print a table with a great many columns and this is easier using a wide carriage printer .
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