Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] it had [be] " in BNC.

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1 The most striking feature about the Treaty of Rome , however , was the speed with which it had been reached .
2 Others have progressed rapidly in the beginning , only to experience considerable difficulty in overcoming the final hurdle — almost as though the mind was loath to give up a fear to which it had been clinging for years .
3 From the east , forces under Soviet command had taken Vienna on 13 April and troops of the Third Ukrainian Front under Marshal Tolbukhin were advancing into the eastern part of what it had been agreed would be the British Zone of Austria .
4 The National Front , also , has failed to make the breakthrough for which it had been hoping .
5 His income was less than a half of what it had been before 1914 , and lie was losing capital too .
6 Horst and Jurgen would stand to one side of the diggers and , as each turf was cut and while it was being stacked , they would investigate the hollow from which it had been removed .
7 A second slave began to ladle stewed meat onto the heaped k'va , and the aroma of the ch'min in which it had been cooked made his nostrils twitch .
8 Inevitably , government help undermined the bank 's ability to do the job for which it had been established , and in 1897 the Poles opened the new Land Purchase Bank .
9 The review may be evaluated generally by how effectively and efficiently it met the objectives set out in Document 1 , on the basis of which it had been negotiated .
10 Trade union activity is gradually gathering strength again after a period in which it had been almost impossible to act publicly .
11 In June 1989 Nagy was reburied , his body being extracted from the common grave into which it had been thrown .
12 The immediate catalyst for his removal was an inept press conference on Dec. 5 in which he declared the recession to be abating , only hours before the publication of official figures which showed that GDP had declined 0.3 per cent in the three months to September , the sixth successive quarter for which it had been either static or negative .
13 The two assassins had joined the crew of the navy rescue expedition which had followed the escape pod down from the survey vessel from which it had been ejected , and they had been prevented from finishing off both their intended victim and the accidental witnesses only because of the timely intervention of a Yek patrol .
14 It was not qualitatively different on the eve of the French Revolution from what it had been during the reign of Louis XIV .
15 When , three years later , a licence was sought by the Getty Museum for its export , SAVE pressed the local authority to serve an enforcement notice requiring the return of the statue to its plinth in the grade I listed building from which it had been removed .
16 Wimpy International Ltd v Warland [ 1988 ] STC 149 had determined that the facts to be considered were : whether an item appeared visually to retain a separate identity ; the degree of permanence with which it had been attached ; the incompleteness of the structure without it ; and the extent to which it was intended to be permanent .
17 The speed and efficiency with which it had been delivered was impressive , and suggested strongly that Kirov had also worked largely upon intuition .
18 Public reaction to the coup was muted , largely reflecting the undramatic manner in which it had been carried out .
19 In addition to dealers , other objects of anger were farmers who were thought to be withholding grain from the market and thus creating an " artificial " scarcity ; merchants who attempted to buy up corn to move it from the district in which it had been grown at times when local markets were under-supplied ; and millers who were considered to be either bulk buying and hoarding corn or else charging the poor too much for grinding grain .
20 He stood up and took his coat from the chair over which it had been casually thrown .
21 The French monarchy under Louis XVI was by contrast in many ways a shadow of what it had been under Louis XIV .
22 After three dormant years it began humming like a computer , sucking in information of which it had been starved , until my head began to hurt physically with the effort .
23 In his view , the letter should be used to show that the Board 's policy in the one county in which it had been implemented for at least two years was a misconceived , divisive one .
24 While the new salary was a vast improvement on what it had been , it must be remembered that the salary of the High Master at Manchester Grammar School at the time was £420 , together with house .
25 Although an indefinite curfew was reimposed in Srinagar after the assassination , thousands of people took to the streets as Farooq 's body was carried from the hospital to which it had been taken to his home .
26 In a year the shop would be no more , lorries would carry away the rubble to which it had been reduced , leaving a gap to be filled by yet another chain store .
27 So small an area of land was available in Barbados when it turned to sugar in the 1640s that land prices were pushed up to ten times the level at which it had been sold for growing tobacco .
28 It was sad when it died ; sad because of the memory of what it had been like when there was still hope .
29 ( Remember Russell 's chicken ( Russell , 1959 , p. 35 ) , whose true beliefs about the regularity with which it had been fed so far led it into a false belief about the security of its future . )
30 Published in 1977 , by the Department of Education and Science the document suggested that the work of schools needed to be analysed in a ‘ quantitative ’ form as well as in the ‘ subjective and qualitative ’ way in which it had been measured hitherto .
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