Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 He was educated at Zombodze primary school and at the Lovedale Institute in South Africa before assuming the Swazi throne as paramount chief at the age of twenty-two in 1921 .
2 Standards lowered , old soldiers say a prayer for lost comrades at the Liverpool service
3 This was a grand year in the Brigade 's history , for the team of Sergeant A. Felts , H. Canvin , Firemen F. Adams and W. Mason won the All-England shield for hose-cart drill at the Crystal Palace .
4 Vansittart 's successor as permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office , Sir Alexander Cadogan [ q.v. ] , complained that ‘ we had no means of evaluating their reliability . ’
5 Opinion polls in the North also find little enthusiasm for Irish unity at the moment .
6 know there does n't seem to be any er great enthusiasm for new designs at the moment .
7 To provide guidance and support to enable branches and international groups to flourish and to provide a vital link between individual members at the centre .
8 C-fos and c-jun are of interest , though , not merely because they provide a key mechanistic link between early events at the cell membrane and nuclear protein synthesis , but because they only become active in cells showing plastic changes , and they can be measured and localized with exquisite sensitivity by variants of the autoradiographic techniques I have already described .
9 Along with a number of younger protégés , Huxley established a course for high-school teachers at the Royal School of Mines ( later the Normal School of Science , now incorporated into the Imperial College of Science and Technology ) .
10 It puts the necessity for capitalist expansion at the centre of the theory .
11 President in seconding the report I would like to make the following points to our safety representatives who have to bear the responsibility for improving conditions at the workplace for our members .
12 Many low income families may still face enforcement action through private bailiffs at the door , rather than less stringent repayment methods .
13 The ‘ Falklands factor ’ would be seen as a principal reason for the Conservatives ' unexpectedly good showing in the local council elections that year , and , too , for the return of Margaret Thatcher for a second term as prime minister at the General Election of 1983 .
14 ACCOUNTANTS have never allowed the glory of a dancing beck or the rugged splendour of a mountainside to alter their perception of red ink at the bottom of a balance sheet .
15 This power over the working class was achieved at the economic level , through the extraction of surplus value at the point of production , and politically .
16 The defeat of British Jacobinism at the end of the 1790s was the starting point of an effervescence of fringe religious movements .
17 All in all , with new investment in an oversupplied market and loss of economical competitiveness at the raw material end , it looked like a blood bath for us .
18 A move to restrict the use of juries in libel actions was defeated in 1981 , largely as a result of public satisfaction at the performance of the jury which sat for six months to hear the claim for libel brought by the head of the " Moonies " in England against the " Daily Mail " .
19 One of the stairs cracked sharply beneath her foot ; she heard the front door of one of the ground-floor flats open behind her , and as she turned the corner of the staircase she caught a glimpse of a single eye and a draggle of grey hair at the crack .
20 I was n't really sure what I was doing going to listen to a programme of classical music at the uncustomary time of 10 a.m .
21 Biochemistry is the study of living systems at the molecular level .
22 They have been ‘ closing the gap ’ on productivity and quality with their Japanese rivals , says Mr David Cole , director of the Centre for the Study of Automotive Transportation at the University of Michigan .
23 Molecular Biology is the study of biological systems at the molecular level .
24 Australia , Canada , the Republic of Ireland , and the United States have nothing like the same concentration of unqualified power at the centre of government as this country has .
25 It is a product of a dark , brutal side of Cambodian society that lives in fear of racial extinction at the hands of the neighbouring Vietnamese and Thais .
26 The data presented were drawn from detailed clinical interview of new patients at the point of initial assessment .
27 In addition , can a set of precepts developed in the fifth century BC still retain sufficient vitality and relevance to regulate the practice of medical wonders at the end of the twentieth century AD ?
28 He had shaved , but it was a rough job : a piece of sticking plaster at the side of his face showed where he had cut himself .
29 There was a time when he owned only this great mausoleum , and that piece of derelict land at the bottom of Shorrock Hill .
30 Royal College of Nursing members at the hospital had expressed worry over possible job losses and morale was said to be at a low ebb .
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