Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 It needs to be of the highest possible standard , and the music which is used within it should represent a variety of styles and traditions , as a preparation for leading worship in the wider Church .
2 the end of any age discrimination for voluntary participation in the statutory and the voluntary sectors , especially and initially from those bodies who have it within their own control so to devise and endorse ;
3 the end of any age discrimination for voluntary participation in the statutory and voluntary sectors , especially and initially from those bodies who have it within their own control to do so ;
4 Two years later Aegidius himself died , providing opportunity for Visigothic expansion in the Loire valley .
5 JV Dialogue , the sprawling banking software company , is to open an office in London : the aim of the office — which will be staffed with just one person — is to promote , distribute and support software developed in Russia by its constituent organisations ; the only success story for Soviet software in the West so far is that of Paragraph which has agreements with Apple Computer Inc and Go Corp on its cursive handwriting recognition software .
6 This was a Labour vote of censure on the government 's acceptance of the proposals from the Top Salaries Review Board for large increases in the pay of senior public servants .
7 He was speaking at a lunch organised by the Industrial Development Board for leading businessmen in the Province , and his words went down well .
8 The case for British bases in the Middle East was strengthened by such calculations , but the doubts of Attlee and others were not finally overcome until June 1947 .
9 We could not avoid , we felt , erm a small part of the fixed cost to the primary schools being cut , but that was offset by a provision for additional staffing in the primary sector , which we identify as an important item .
10 This is not the case , so the fourth criterion must require that there be provision for major change in the main classes in order to reflect :
11 A national health service should take over the provision for medical care in the old insurance scheme and effectively underpin the new one .
12 There has been limited provision for gifted children in the past .
13 A mixture of muddle-headedness and corruption offers an excuse for do-nothing politics in the west .
14 There was little hope for political enlightenment in the provinces at a time when the number of literary centres and of those attending them fell to one-tenth of what they had risen to in 1921 .
15 The pro-Palestinian stance of Nationalism Today is clearly expressed in issue number forty-two ( undated , but published in early 1988 ) : ‘ The eradication of Zionism , by the liberation of Palestine , remains the only hope for true peace in the Middle East ’ ( p. 10 ) .
16 The murder was also a heavy blow for American interests in the Middle East .
17 Together , these arguments may seem to leave very little foothold for quantitative methods in the study of literary style .
18 It is important to study the changing distribution of income between social groups in the present context , because it may carry with it changes in the distribution of income between different types of place .
19 Similarly , a lot of government expenditure is designed to transfer income between different stages in the life cycle .
20 But even isolated teachers can not avoid forming judgements all the time , for instance about general behaviour in the corridors between lessons and other indications of the ‘ tone ’ of the school .
21 The staff were to meet EC officials yesterday to finalise arrangements for European funding for environmental studies in the isles .
22 Originally drawn up in 1959 , the Antarctic Treaty provides an international framework for human activities in the area .
23 In fact he is the symbol of the Mexicans'long struggle for decent housing in the world 's biggest city .
24 Like many other Americans , the President was horrified by the violence of the latest phase of the struggle for equal rights in the South .
25 Gen. Issarapong Noonpakdi and Air Chief Marshal Anan Kalintha ( Issarapong 's successor as Interior Minister in the caretaker government appointed on May 24 ) on June 16 refused to testify before a House of Representatives committee inquiring into the deaths resulting from the May military crackdown .
26 The school closed in 1957 and the last schoolmaster , John James Jones , is commemorated by an oak pew for visiting vicars in the parish church donated by past scholars of the school .
27 He , like Alavi , notes the parallel between contemporary politics in the post-colonial state and politics in the France of the 1850s as described by Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte .
28 RoSPA has awarded the site its bronze award for continued improvement in the field of occupational safety .
29 The French minister for the environment , Ségolène Royal , has announced a proposal for a sanctuary for small cetaceans in the Mediterranean between France and Italy .
30 The lack of enthusiasm for social expenditure in the Treasury produced a remarkable lack of foresight in such matters .
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