Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The first cover story for the airstrip was that a group of businessmen wanted to start up a tourist resort there .
2 The defendant accepted as a fact that he was holding the revolver when the fatal shot was discharged , but the case for the defence was that the revolver went off accidentally in the course of a struggle during which the defendant forcibly placed Paulette in the driver 's seat .
3 The case for the objectors is that they would wish the boundary proposed by your own authority , at an earlier stage , to be the boundary .
4 The case for the prosecution was that the doctor prescribed a course of non-treatment by the administration of the drug DF118 which suppresses the appetite and impairs breathing .
5 The advantage for the customer is that own brands are often cheaper than well-known brand names and the customer knows where to obtain the product .
6 The advantage for the butterfly is that if a bird seizes it by the wings , and is reminded of some earlier unpleasant experience with the species and its toxin , it will release the insect unharmed : a bluejay that has never seen a monarch butterfly will readily catch and eat it ; but within 15–30 minutes the toxins in the butterfly 's body cause the bird to vomit , and one such encounter is sufficient to make a bluejay avoid monarchs thereafter .
7 The only hope for the naturalist was that the stolen specimens might re-surface in Europe , where he could then buy them back .
8 A spokeswoman said : ‘ The reason we chose Stewart Park for the roadshow was because car parking was far easier for the numbers of people we would expect .
9 The difficulty for the Archive is that there will be many of these ‘ common ’ standards .
10 The difficulty for the vendor is that , as a result of the sale , the vendor may be left with no facilities to perform obligations under such contract and may face a claim from the party to that contract for breach .
11 The sooner you enter this world the greater will your enthusiasm for the subject be and the deeper your understanding of the past , the discipline of History and , ultimately , yourself .
12 I do n't know whether David would agree , but my experience as a teacher was that I certainly encountered , I realize now , in my teaching career , children with dyslexia and yet no-one had told me , in my training , anything about this condition and I do n't think I was in a position until later , in a sense , to recognise that I had seen children with this difficulty .
13 Its first important function as a bank is as banker to the government .
14 You 're wanting to produce a certificate for the kids is that what you 're talking about ?
15 It does mean , however , that the process of drawing inferences is more tentative than in experiments , based on if-then reasoning : if it is the case that the true causal story about the variables is as we imagine ( playing God in the way that we did just now with absenteeism ) , then we would expect to find a statistical effect of X on Y .
16 The worry for the anthropologists is that some sociobiologists jump directly from their impressively careful observations of the mating behaviours of lions and deer and ostriches to sweeping assertions about the causal determinants of mating behaviour among men .
17 My worry about the half is that we should have had a few goals in , rather than just the one .
18 My only worry about the book is that Chapters 2 and 3 may deter some readers .
19 The only basis on which criticism can be made of the inevitable decline in investment during the recession is if high praise is lavished on the Government for the three years in the last 1980s when investment touched peaks .
20 Signs of Constantine 's new deal for the church were that the council petitioned and obtained from the emperor a degree of tax exemption for the sake of the church 's welfare for the poor , and that exile was imposed on the two bishops who withheld their signature to the creed and canons .
21 Another boost for the tourists is that lineout ace John Eales is on the mend and could even creep into Saturday 's Test .
22 ‘ Interest rates are in the driving seat for the time being and it is still too early to buy , ’ says Mr Tora .
23 The dilemma for the Americans is that , if they reject the argument that Israel must be part of the Middle East peace process , they may be unable to secure international endorsement for any settlement procedure ; so they could be left with the invidious alternatives of an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence .
24 Ron Birch , the protest leader , said they would accept the fence for the time being but would step up their campaign to protect the trees from a surprise attack by council workmen .
25 A source of particular vulnerability for the agencies is that in its reorganization of the water industry the 1973 Water Act gives them responsibility for the management of the great majority of sewage treatment works , which in many areas are themselves significant — often principal — sources of pollution .
26 It seems , however , that the tension for the actor is but derivative of that tension endlessly defined and redefined by psychiatrists , psychologists and social psychologists in terms of inner/outer reality : I/Me , Ego/Self , or subjective/objective .
27 But the bright side for the chancellor is that there should be higher bank profits to tax , especially if interest rates fall .
28 The only down side for the solicitor is that you have to give a free half-hour interview to anyone coming to see you under the scheme , though most firms of solicitors nowadays will give this service in any event .
29 But the disadvantage for the householder is that any leaks in the pipe crossing your property will also be measured by the meter .
30 The importance of recognition as a goal is that it provides managers with unlimited opportunity .
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