Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It follows that the Convention is not a direct protection for freedom of speech in Britain : it is a persuasive and educative force which , if media interests have the patience and determination to seek rulings from Strasbourg , may slowly shape the operation of British law in favour of public interest reporting .
2 The BBC and IBA meekly complied with the ban , which further underlines the lack of constitutional protection for freedom of speech in British law .
3 The new government was immediately beset with problems , with Samir Geagea , leader of the Phalangist Lebanese Forces ( LF ) , announcing his resignation as Minister of State within two hours .
4 Walesa announced his resignation as leader of Solidarity at a meeting of its national executive on Dec. 12 .
5 Previously this had been the case for interest on development of investment properties , but interest on dealing activities was capitalised .
6 Like the members of the Tribunal , there is no provision for security of tenure for the Commissioner , it being provided only that he ‘ shall hold office in accordance with the terms of his appointment ’ .
7 The second is about provision for language in education for teachers in general .
8 Those companies who qualify will be able to publicize the fact — probably using a version of the EC 's 12-star emblem — but will not be able to include it as endorsement on products ( in part for fear of confusion with the Community 's " eco-labelling " scheme — see ED 67 ) .
9 Another trial in 97 patients showed an advantage for surgery over radiotherapy in forestalling the appearance of distant metastases over five years .
10 In order to increase separation , Hartke have developed a special 5″ driver for use in conjunction with the 15-incher .
11 The Princess Royal yesterday made an impassioned plea for help on behalf of the country 's six million carers .
12 For him the cow epitomises the sub-human world ; it is , by its very existence , a plea for justice on behalf of the animal world .
13 Priddle also agreed that , because of a barter arrangement with the US under which Britain obtained enriched uranium for weapons-making in return for British plutonium , the civil nuclear programme had aided Britain 's defence programme .
14 Although we used +3 SD above the mean of negative controls as cut off level for positivity in comparison to the +2 SD used by Saxon et al this alone can not explain the differences .
15 The framework for relief from forfeiture in the county court is provided by the County Courts Act 1984 .
16 The Scottish Enterprise Foundation , the division of Educational Policy and Development , the Stirling Management Centre , the Management Development Unit and the Stirling University Innovation Park provide a broad framework for collaboration with industry in technology transfer and advanced management training .
17 In the former areas the chief executive is sustained in his perennial struggle for mastery with congress by his claim to represent the nation as a whole and by the provisions of the Constitution that designate him as Commander in Chief and give him special responsibilities in international relations .
18 ‘ … This form of selection depends , not on a struggle for existence in relation to other organic beings or to external conditions , but on a struggle between the individuals of one sex , generally the males , for the possession of the other sex .
19 Kekulé died in 1896 , loaded with honours , and Richard Anschütz , his successor as professor of chemistry at the University of Bonn , undertook a comprehensive biography .
20 Saltburn and District Round Table has won the Danish Axe Award for international Round Tabling and the National Press Award for publicity in recognition of its mercy work in Africa .
21 The summer conversations in Kissingen , the presence in St Petersburg of the Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich , the greater enthusiasm for reform of Lanskoi at the Ministry of Internal Affairs — all these undoubtedly altered the balance of opinion to which he was exposed and made him more susceptible to reformist sentiments ; but he may also have been naive enough to believe that the gentry at large would follow the example of the north-westerners and welcome the measure he was putting to them .
22 It has continued to grow and expand and has since established itself as a permanent base for experimentation with education in health based on Primary Health Care principles .
23 The Digital board , which is reviewing its international operation and cutting 25,000 jobs from a worldwide payroll of 102,000 , intends to concentrate its resources on a single computer manufacturing base for ease of access to the European market .
24 In 1826 and 1827 it seems to have retained some trade union functions , including support for litigation on behalf of its members .
25 Professor Hewer retired from the University as Professor of Pathology in 1968 .
26 Deprivation of rights in property used to commit offence — necessity for evidence of value of property
27 The necessity for speed in adaptation of agricultural technology exists because of these self-reproducing and self-reinforcing processes — fairly rapid population growth ; political and economic neglect of marginal environments except where they can be exploited for the production of commodities for the national and international market ; and a stagnant production per unit worker and area for the majority of the population .
28 It commented favourably on a model form issued by the NFHA for use in connection with design and build .
29 In Our Exagmination Round his Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress ( 1929 ) , Eugene Jolas comments :
30 Beckett remarks in Our Exagmination Round his Factification for Incamination of Work in progress , that Joyce 's work is ‘ not about something : it is that something itself ( Beckett 1929 and 1972 : 14 ) , and he goes on in the central part of his oeuvre , the trilogy Molloy , Malone Dies , The Unnamable ( 1950 — 2 ) , to create a kind of autonomy of his own — — as the Unnamable remarks , ‘ it all boils down to a question of words … all words , there 's nothing else ’ ( 1959 and 1979 : 308 ) .
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