Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Like the members of the Tribunal , there is no provision for security of tenure for the Commissioner , it being provided only that he ‘ shall hold office in accordance with the terms of his appointment ’ .
2 The second is about provision for language in education for teachers in general .
3 Priddle also agreed that , because of a barter arrangement with the US under which Britain obtained enriched uranium for weapons-making in return for British plutonium , the civil nuclear programme had aided Britain 's defence programme .
4 The Department had long seen the field as part of Ninian for taxation purposes until this break-through .
5 July 4 , 1990 : resignation of Olivier Stirn as Tourism Minister-Delegate and replacement by Jean-Michel Baylet ( MRG ) ; Oct. 2 : reshuffle following resignation of Cresson as Minister-Delegate for European Affairs [ see p. 37784 ] ; Dec. 19 : appointment of Delebarre as Minister of State for Towns and related changes [ see p. 37925 ] ; Jan. 29 , 1991 : resignation of Pierre Chevènement as Defence Minister and related changes [ see p. 37941 ] ; May 16 : appointment of Cresson in place of Michel Rocard ( Prime Minister since 1988 ) and of modified Council of Ministers [ see pp. 38197-98 ] .
6 Between 1337 and 1353 the tax on wool formed part of a series of schemes under which the king attempted to establish a body of powerful and wealthy merchants who would be granted a monopoly in the purchase and export of wool in return for making loans to the king which would be repaid from the maltote , the export tax on wool .
7 This was supposed to account for the value of their contribution towards the stockpiling of plutonium as fuel for future reactors .
8 A document taken by the Garda Síochána ( the Irish police force ) from a leading republican , Sean Garland , in May 1966 , and later published as an appendix to the Scarman Report , contained a good deal of evidence of plans for intensive military training , but it also outlined some of the new political initiatives being taken by the movement .
9 Erm , I 'm not in a position to add anything very much to the article for next year , I spent most of Friday afternoon with the Tech last week , erm , but there 's still obviously a good deal of uncertainty about programmes for next year , erm , what I think has been very positive is that we have now er , this year for the first time since the Tech 's formation , they 've started to discuss some of the issues about the programmes with a group of providers .
10 In that case , one way of inflicting a loss of profit in retaliation for reneging on the agreement would be to revert to the NE of the one-shot game , either permanently or for a number of periods sufficient to wipe out the gains from reneging , if that is possible .
11 The result of lack of respect for authority can be seen in higher , and ever increasing , crime rates , in increased drug use and sexual promiscuity .
12 Their study of quality of care for the elderly in hospital , with specific reference to respite care , is illustrative of these types of surveys .
13 This provides systematic instruction in the practice of law in preparation for further training in a law office .
14 You have been Disney Professor of Archaeology at Cambridge for eleven years and since the mid-Sixties you have held posts at the Universities of Sheffield and Southampton .
15 Unlike the Harter Act , however , unseaworthiness did not deprive the carrier of immunity for liability for the consequences of errors of navigation and management because COGSA required that the alleged unseaworthiness be the cause of the loss .
16 The climax of the sacrificial year was the Day of Atonement when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies and offered the blood of sacrifice as atonement for all the sins of Israel .
17 Basis Loans and Equity Capital , to provide an injection of finance in return for Barclays taking a minority shareholding in your business pages 28–31
18 A new Minister of State should be appointed in the Department of Health with responsibility for ensuring that national policy objectives are consistent with resources available to public authorities charged with meeting those objectives .
19 The list was completed by the transfer to the Department of Employment of responsibility for co-ordinating government policy on issues of particular concern to women and for sex equality policy .
20 None of the remaining baseline variables showed a significant association with mortality after adjustment for comorbidity and hematocrit .
21 JCT 80 provides that ’ Full discharge by the Contractor in respect of payments for materials or goods supplied by the Nominated Supplier shall be effected within 30 days of the end of the month during which delivery is made less only a discount for cash of 5% if so paid . ’
22 Answer guide : The obvious answer relates to the prepayment in respect of rent for the quarter ; however , the question should be used to prompt students to think of other services etc. necessary to run the business .
23 Every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of land adjoining a railway should by letter , with a plan , search before exchange of contracts for details of any rights of the Authority over the land or any liability for maintenance of boundaries attaching to it .
24 This expropriation took the form of tithes , taxes and labour in kind in return for the physical protection of the people living on the land by the noble landowners .
25 Oil and petroleum workers threatened industrial action in support of demands for a 310 per cent salary adjustment , for an end to plans to privatize the state oil company PETROBRAS , and the reinstatement of 800 colleagues dismissed in government cutbacks .
26 She 's now in a stable condition in hospital after surgery for a shattered pelvis and a broken leg .
27 Its position on abortion itself was hardly ambiguous : the minutes of the Assembly meeting for 1982 point out ‘ [ the Assembly 's ] opposition to abortion on demand for purely social reasons , or as a means of birth control … [ and ] that in exceptional circumstances , where medical abortion might be necessary , the most stringent safeguards should be provided to prevent abuse ’ ( Presbyterian Church in Ireland 1930–86 , General Assembly ( 1982 ) , p. 61 ) .
28 That levying of money for or to the use of the Crowne by pretence of Prerogative without Grant of Parliament for longer time or in other manner , than the same is or shall be granted is illegall .
29 However , our continuing commitment to control headcount and spending enabled us to increase turnover per employee above $300,000 for the first time , and reduce our operating expenses as a percentage of revenues . ’
30 However , our continuing commitment to control headcount and spending enabled us to increase turnover per employee above $300,000 for the first time , and reduce our operating expenses as a percentage of revenues . ’
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