Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Higher Labour Court decided that having extramarital affairs with married women was not a violation of the contract of employment that would justify a dismissal , as this would have the effect of punishing someone for interfering in marital relations , which the German Code of Civil Procedure would not permit .
2 Some estimates suggest that CFCs direct contribution to the greenhouse effect might be more or less offset by their indirect effect of countering it by depleting ozone .
3 When we observe this , we should either refresh his mind by saying something with becoming liveliness or something calculated to arouse great wonder and amazement , or even grief and lamentation .
4 Oh sorry so that 's that 's what it 's what it 's about so what we want to do then over these next two days is to develop the skills of design and delivery and will allow us to do that allow us to improve our performance despite the fact that we do have the nerves and by practice by doing it by putting yourself in the situation where you have to make a presentation and almost as one chap said one time sitting there actually with your sitting there remembering he said actually volunteer to make presentations to the other people there .
5 For example , pupils with reading problems ( including dyslexic pupils ) should not be deprived of literature , but should have the opportunity of experiencing it through listening to others reading aloud , whether live or recorded , and through seeing plays and films , as well as through reading suitably simplified versions .
6 Adults take great delight in frightening them by invoking unexperienced horrors , such as being confronted by a Malay or a tiger .
7 Your new low-fat , low-sugar , low-salt , high-fibre way of eating should be enjoyable enough to become a permanent way of life and be a tremendous help in preventing you from regaining weight .
8 The simple childhood device for sketching them by superimposing a small egg shape for the body remains unrivalled .
9 When you are working with documents which display these difficulties , make a point of clarifying them by rewriting the passage in your own words .
10 When sending employees abroad to work , employers must consider : the selection of employees for the job ; the importance of briefing them before going ; and the contents of the compensation and benefits package .
11 I have kept to foods which I hope you will be able to find locally — there is no point in inspiring you with mouthwatering descriptions of cheeses available only in small mountain villages in the Alps !
12 She cloaked her embarrassment at seeing him by rushing into speech .
13 Pauline began the Meeting by thanking everyone for attending the important meeting before lunch and for their concern for our future .
14 It has also been suggested that people buy the book because they have read reviews of it or because it is on the best-seller list , but they do n't read it ; they just have it in the bookcase or on the coffee table , thereby getting credit for having it without taking the effort of having to understand it .
15 The list shows how easy it was at the time ( 1860 ) to raise money for a line intended to run from Craven Arms to Montgomery , and what a number of persons , sufficiently well-disposed to the district to advance such large sums would be deprived of all chance of recouping themselves by completing the line , if the policy of closing it was adopted .
16 A clip round the ear has more chance of preventing him from doing something a second time than bringing all these other agencies in .
17 It would also explain the delay in releasing her after handing over the letters . ’
18 For all but the smallest prey , Nucella must penetrate the victim 's shell before paralysing it by injecting a narcotic .
19 It was perhaps a strategy for dissuading him from coming round so often .
20 Indeed , there is every argument for strengthening it by introducing penalties and allowing MMC findings on the outcomes of firms ' behaviour to form the basis for private actions for damages .
21 ‘ It has provided a mechanism for formalising everything in writing so people are very clear about what is expected of them .
22 The shocked priority of examining herself after escaping , literally , from the jaws of death , wore off .
23 She felt that the ‘ on — off ’ nature of their relationship — when he was here today but not tomorrow , or even the next day — was all part of Nicky 's habit of taking her for granted .
24 He is intrinsically proud : this reveals itself through his habit of defining himself by telling you his achievements .
25 I could not prevent my father from tricking him into marrying me instead of Rachel .
26 Our young men were quick-tempered , and i have had great trouble in keeping them from doing rash things .
27 While the Premier had fun in the sun , Labour 's Mr Brown bowled him a bumper by accusing him of REFUSING to act and REFUSING to speak .
28 Her attendants pay homage before entertaining her by dancing round the small maypole set up for the purpose .
29 He also takes credit for setting John Major on the road to replacing her by making him No 2 at the Treasury .
30 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
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