Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps they could now get each episode of Eldorado down to that length .
2 Former world boxing champion , George Forman goes into the ring in London tonight for another fight in his remarkable comeback at the age of forty-two .
3 He had worked in Belfast in the late 1940s , and compared the Labour scene in Derry unfavourably with that of the larger city : ‘ We may pride ourselves on being a city but politically we are still a small Ulster town . ’
4 In repeated versions he explains laboriously that Gandalf forced Bilbo on Thorin out of some Valinorean ‘ foresight ’ ; or because he knew hobbits were stealthy ; or because he thought Bilbo had the right ‘ mix ’ of Took and Baggins ; while as for the word ‘ burglar ’ , it was all a dwarvish misunderstanding .
5 ENGLAND 'S rugby side will be allowed to sing the National Anthem at Twickenham today after all .
6 It was found that the overall usage rate of LGS out of all cases of diarrhoea was 4.1 , 8.2 and 9.9% in Phase 1 , Phase 2 ( standard ) and Phase 2 ( CRP ) unions respectively .
7 On the other hand , to magnify this incident in the life of Gandhi out of all proportion to its significance is also a questionable enterprise .
8 I think this is erm it it 's an extremely worrying fact as far as I 'm concerned , I got a phone call from Chris just before this meeting .
9 I came across a striking example of this recently in the story of John Hyde nicknamed ‘ Praying Hyde ’ , a missionary to India early in this century .
10 This did not mean that he was at all sympathetic to evolutionary ideas , which seemed crude and mechanical ; but he was not patient either with ‘ Bridgewater writing ’ , because it meant seeing the hand of God more in some things than others .
11 And that brings us to the end of Scotland Today for this evening .
12 It was forbidden to keep cockerels within the city of Jerusalem so in all probability the ‘ cock crow ’ was an early morning time of the Roman day , perhaps a trumpet call .
13 They , too , felt the almost physical barrier of a partisan crowd at Ibrox especially in that first half period when they lost two goals .
14 I hope that you enjoy the feature on Goran elsewhere in this issue .
15 A BELGRADE-BASED guerrilla group captured a strategic town in the breakaway Yugoslavian republic of Bosnia-Hercegovina yesterday in another victory for Serbs seeking to partition the newly independent state .
16 The work was ‘ completed ’ after Mozart 's death by Süssmayr along with another of his young protégés , Joseph Eybler , and a local composer , F.J. Freystädtler .
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