Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] [is] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Graeme Dunlop continues as Managing Director of P&O European Ferries Ltd , while responsibility for Dover is now handed to Les Stephenson .
2 The fact that Mustakimzade is clearly at a loss about Abdulkerim is further pointed up in his article about the following Mufti , Molla Arab .
3 Singers ' veneration of Karajan is well known ; many , like the tenor José Carreras , have said that he has transformed their understanding of the art they serve .
4 Rauschning had tried to bring about some sensible appreciation of Danzig 's rapidly fading monopoly position vis-a-vis Polish trade and to effect a policy whereby the city would realise its unique position on the Baltic by quietly penetrating the Polish , Lithuanian and Russian markets .
5 The Gothic side of Wordsworth is usually played down , and he is thought of as reacting against the overstimulation of the imagination which medieval fantasy so frequently provided .
6 In this the threefold action of God is again revealed to us .
7 The PLO 's recognition of Israel is finally understood by the West ; the US agrees to talk to them .
8 The statute of Carlisle is best set in this context .
9 A strong anomaly near Broadclyst is probably caused by the northern edge of a concealed southward-dipping lava sheet .
10 While the flair derived from street football in Africa is richly prized adjusting to a Wiltshire training pitch in January is not straightforward .
11 And the lady that does the Watershed programme from Bristol is also doing our programme for free .
12 THE FIRST of the government 's promised annual reviews of research in Britain is almost finished and should be complete by the end of this month .
13 His practice in Abingdon is constantly dealing with exercise-induced injuries .
14 Greenhill College in Harrow is again offering the Machine Knitting Course — Part 1 for the next academic year , commencing in the Autumn .
15 The effect on Southall is duly recorded in Armstrong 's diary :
16 For instance , the steam cracker at Wilton is jointly owned by ICI and BP Chemicals .
17 Absenteeism at Rover is currently running at between 5 and 6% .
18 For nearly fifty years he 'd worked with the New York Philharmonic , the orchestra 's manager , Nick Webster , was one of the first to pay tribute to his talent at America 's best known classical musician .
19 The Duchess of Beaufort is also mentioned as having additional rare sorts in her garden at Badminton .
20 The Independent of Dec. 7 estimated that 3,400 foreign nationals were being held in Kuwait and Iraq , including 580 detained at strategic military and civilian sites as part of Iraq 's now abandoned " human shield " policy [ for which see p. 37697 ] .
21 The terminology of Locke is still considered valid to support the argument advanced in the Preface to Lyrical Ballads : we are referred to ‘ sensations ’ and ‘ ideas ’ , and told that ‘ falsehood of description ’ has been avoided , for the object of poetry is ‘ truth ’ .
22 ( Law of Europe is now completed , but African , Asian and Soviet Law are still in progress . )
23 The Blue Guide too was encouraging : ‘ The predominantly mountainous region south of Sparta is seldom visited by foreign tourists … superb scenery and unexpected traces of the past . ’
24 An act of God is usually held to have been the spark which ignited Ceauşescu 's ambitions as a town-planner and architect of communism and spurred him to act on them .
25 The Princess of Wales is never kept waiting .
26 They presented the Museum with copies of the publications of his op.I and op.II sonatas ( K.6–9 ) , a copy of J. B. Delafosse 's engraving of the watercolour of Leopold and his children by Louis Carrogis de Carmontelle ( see PLATE I ) and the manuscript of Mozart 's specially composed four-part vocal composition ‘ God is our Refuge ’ , K.20 , written out with the help of his father ( 7 ) .
27 Their models are their own or each others ' motets and chansons and the chansons of such Parisian colleagues as Claudin de Sermisy , and they make fuller use of the whole polyphonic complex of the model than their predecessors had done : how flexibly may be seen by comparing the opening of the Kyrie of Clemens 's already mentioned Mass ‘ Misericorde ’ : with that of his chanson ‘ Misericorde au martir amoureulx ’ : Bars 3–5 of the Kyrie are not the extraneous interpolation they seem to be ; they come from bars 18–20 of the chanson :
28 Where the gospel of Christ is faithfully proclaimed it is always subversive .
29 This first main stage of Gothic architecture in England is often likened to the springtime of the style .
30 Is the Minister aware that the case for expanded production and investment at the Dalzell plate mill in Lanarkshire is now backed by the Glasgow university study , the Scottish Office , the Scottish Trade Union Congress , the Scottish National party and Motherwell district council , all of whom believe that it is an outstanding plant , given the requisite investment , with a ready market for its enlarged product ?
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