Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pers pn] [coord] [pron] will " in BNC.

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1 But he this was a week and a half ago and he said , give me a couple of weeks , I want to have a look at the figures and the mix and have a think about it and I 'll come back to you .
2 ‘ I 've no sympathy for him and he will be dealt with under our code of discipline . ’
3 We are elected by the public to do a job and we should n't be ashamed of the amount of money that we 're paid for it , and what I would say is , that no manifesto in May 's election said we were going to come here and vote for more money for members , nobody put on their leaflets , vote for me and I will raise members allowances by five percent in the coming year , I did n't and I wo n't support that , and you will argue , perhaps some of you that that 's not really what we 're doing , but it look 's like it , does n't it ?
4 And these people will pay a rent for it and they will pay all the proper taxes and they will be effectively staying with the rules which are imposed on other people .
5 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I 'll close it for him .
6 He 's been shooting off his mouth about me and I will close it for him ’ Lennox Lewis DONALD MACLEOD Lennox Lewis : ‘ The only fear I know inside the ring is the fear of losing .
7 Just give me a photograph of you and I 'll give you a card .
8 Impact ‘ The long-ball game is no good to me and it wo n't enable England to succeed in the 1994 World Cup in America . ’
9 But now take a closer look and with a pencil tick the qualities that are already a part of you and you will be pleasantly surprised .
10 I wo n't allow you to take advantage of me and I wo n't attack you for being who you are .
11 ‘ But Richard said , get hold of him and we 'll persuade him .
12 and we 'll put a cross on the bottom of it and I 'll put you a piece of plywood across it and you can stick your nuts on or whatever
13 And if they are able to misjudge on on this particular issue , then they are likely to misjudge on other issues , so er we 'll have a chat with them and we 'll find them out what they think and er what they say .
14 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house Israel After those days , says the Lord : I will put my law within them and I will write it upon their hearts ; And I will be their God and they shall be my people .
15 Among the many ‘ thank-you ’ letters I wrote , I sent one to Alan Shell of the Humanist Association , who replied , ‘ We are very glad our letter was of help to you and you will be interested to know that I propose to send copies of your letter , with your name deleted , to our funeral officiants in the hope that they will take courage from it and help any others who might be in similar difficulties . ’
16 The silly idiot is going to shout some sort of stupid abuse at her and she 'll bite his head off !
17 What , in order to decide whether they 're going to give us the contract what they have asked us to do is prepare a thirty minute radio , sorry thirty second radio presentation and we will re , record for them and they will hear , which we want to emphasise based on how good that was whether they want to take the contract out with us .
18 I believe the Kuwaiti people naturally are a peace loving people and we will never forget that erm good nature of us and we will try to capitalise on that and maintain peace and Kuwait become again a country which has to have peaceful causes everybody .
19 That way we can keep an eye on him and he 'll feel reassured .
20 She 's going to sit there in the hospital , and they 'll keep an eye on her and someone will put her on the evening bus , just as she planned .
21 Have a struggle with it and we 'll discuss the opening question tomorrow because setting the scene is often the way the tone of the whole .
22 Liz Norton will now be writing a double ration for them but it will be divided into ‘ Simply Silver ’ for punchcard machines and the new ‘ Silver Scene ’ devoted to the electronic machines .
23 ‘ Lee is a close friend of mine and he will help us when we get to Wellington .
24 Richard get off the back of it or I 'll put in the buggy .
25 Right , so I 'll get in contact with him and we 'll sort that then .
26 She came up in front of my parents and said : ‘ Would you like to take this home , put a sample in it and we 'll do a sperm count for you ? ’
27 When the judge hears these proceedings he will have further evidence before him and he will make findings of fact on disputed issues such as whether Hambros Jersey had notice of the alleged misappropriation of some £1.65m of the company 's money .
28 You can probably , I say , you can hold the umbrella over me and I 'll cook .
29 I know she is old and wo n't last forever , but she has been a good and loyal friend to me and I will stand by her .
30 Mr Mates said : ‘ I would like to thank you all for continuing to have faith in me and I will continue to represent you and do my best for all my constituents , whether or not they voted for me . ’
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