Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] as it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The driver spun the wheel as the Mercedes reached the end of the row of parked cars and it skidded sideways , the left corner of the rear bumper crumpling in a flash of sparks as it glanced off the wall .
2 This is not required if the relevant condition is that the parent undertaking holds a majority of the voting rights and holds the same proportion of shares as it holds voting rights
3 What we do find , however , is that women 's work is not so divorced from the work of men as it becomes in later times .
4 This has far-reaching implications also for social work across the entire range of activities as it has to be based very firmly on an elaborate statutory framework which spells out possibilities and responsibilities for intervention in considerable detail .
5 Secondly , I am glad to have the opportunity of relating the framework of our Further and Higher Education Bill , which has today been debated in another place , to the education for adults as it take place on the ground .
6 With or without the complicity of the government statutory services are performing a very limited role , However , we must not underestimate the potential role of services as it seems highly likely that propensity of the informal sector is enhanced rather than diminished by the support of statutory agencies .
7 It just happens that published Welsh Office data on migration across the border is a good measure of the flight from cities as it affects Wales .
8 This too encourages the flow of savings as it gives savers the confidence that their savings will earn a good rate of interest .
9 I never asked her , but I do n't imagine oral penetration figured as high on her list of priorities as it did on mine , and she could probably have done without the anal variety altogether .
10 It is included in this discussion of emotions as it represents the lowest state of emotional energy , as well as physical and mental energy .
11 At that moment , with a shower of sparks as it hit the superstructure , the flare died .
12 This key point about the exchange of bank deposits must be committed to memory by readers as it forms a basis for understanding the nature of the foreign exchange market and operations of banks within it .
13 I was within half a mile of Darrowby with the lights of the little town beginning to wink between the bare roadside branches when a car approached , went past , then I heard a squeal of brakes as it stopped and began to double back .
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