Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [verb] to they " in BNC.

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1 Those whose husbands were away went in constant dread of advances made to them by Allied soldiers in the area .
2 How do people make sense of the variety of ideas coming to them about food ?
3 Even-more significant for their future growth , Merton has expanded the field of candidates open to them by being able to search globally , as a member of Transearch , a group of internationally affiliated consultancies in fifteen major business centres .
4 In terms , however , of the generality of their relevance and the importance of their subject-matter , statutory instruments loom largest in importance , and amongst statutory instruments , those made by Ministers of the Crown in pursuance of powers delegated to them by Act of Parliament are the most important of all .
5 Inevitably , therefore , and despite the broad range of goals allocated to them , UDCs tend to stress property-led regeneration and thereby dilute wider urban policy goals .
6 Where the old cinematic heroes had beaten their heads against the wall in frustration at the limited range of possibilities offered to them , the new culture celebrated limitless potential .
7 I am aware of journals that do not acknowledge receipt of papers submitted to them .
8 Are there displays of children 's work placed around the room and is the attention of governors drawn to them in a meaningful way ?
9 Where the defence arises our courts will act upon the so-called ‘ M'Naghten ’ rules , propounded by the judges in response to questions addressed to them by the House of Lords .
10 In order that the hypothetical choice of loans offered to them would have at least some roots in people 's own experience , the size of the loan was in each case matched to the size of loan which people said they would consider taking out in practice .
11 There are a number of cases of this kind , and I would point out that air and rail journeys are only two of a number of service benefits which have a number of problems attached to them .
12 Mr Aird said this suggested anti-monopoly reforms forcing the big brewers to reduce the number of pubs tied to them were working , but there was ‘ still a long way to go ’ before pubgoers felt the full benefit of increased competition .
13 Public relations departments in large organisations have a number of channels open to them and they should utilise a mixture of these to disseminate information — notice boards , in-house journals , videos , briefings and meetings .
14 It is immediately clear that some topics received considerably more , or less , attention than would be suggested by the number of courses allocated to them .
15 The National Curriculum , as well as specific curriculum areas , received slightly fewer teacher-days than would be suggested by the number of courses allocated to them .
16 Practitioners often feel that the number of methods open to them is limited , but as communications grow and change so new methods develop .
17 Two Commandos had taken their boots off yesterday evening and found after a couple of hours standing to they were unable to get them on again , both feet had swollen badly .
18 Why have SSDs achieved so little despite the massive increase in resources allocated to them since they were first established in 1971 ?
19 No wonder leaders ‘ found their highest joy in the cure of souls committed to them , and they accepted the responsibility of their office as a most sacred trust . ’
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