Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adv] [num] [no cls] cent " in BNC.

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1 All you have to do is send the invoices you want factored to your factor and , provided they approve the accounts they will send you a cheque for around 80 per cent of their value by return mail .
2 Mining is Zambia 's main economic activity , with copper accounting for over 90 per cent of metal production and metal exports providing most foreign exchange earnings .
3 Instead of local taxation in Scotland accounting for only 11 per cent .
4 At a regional level it has been demonstrated that , in 1971 , over 30 per cent of the population in North Wales and Sussex was aged over 60 , compared with the national mean of only 19 per cent ( Law and Warnes 1975 ) .
5 The new system is an IBM ES/9000–820 which gives a boost of over 40 per cent in processing capacity over the previous machine .
6 Indeed , they were sufficient to allow an increase in the labour force of about 5 per cent at constant wages .
7 Johns ( 1985 ) , for example , has examined the impact of logging in part of west Malaysia where the harvest consisted of 3.3 per cent of the trees per ha but which , by damaging saplings and soils , caused an overall loss of nearly 51 per cent of the trees .
8 Interviews and observations carried out during a long-term follow-up study in fifty classrooms revealed that the classroom practice of nearly 50 per cent of the respondents had not changed in any perceptible way as a result of their attendance at such courses .
9 A swing to Labour of only 2.6 per cent is needed and the sitting Tory MP , David Amess , could lose his seat without the Conservatives losing the country .
10 Joe Sharp , director of space research at NASA 's Ames Research Laboratory explains : ‘ Nobody has the foggiest idea of the effect of even 40 per cent or 20 per cent of gravity for extended periods . ’
11 Slower growth in wages would produce a cut of about 4 per cent in real terms .
12 I am sure it was the pressure from the warrior class and the impending general election that led to a final figure of 63,500 , which is a cut of about 17 per cent .
13 The National Farmers ' Union 's South East region environmental study group is arguing for a fertiliser cut of about 20 per cent , to be applied across Europe by means of individual farm quotas .
14 It represented in real terms an overall cut of about 9 per cent , though as allocations to individual local authorities were made on an arbitrary basis , some of them suffered much greater reductions .
15 Nevertheless , does the Minister agree that the number of defence jobs in the north-west has gone down from 23,000 in 1985-86 to only 12,000 in 1989-90 , a cut of almost 50 per cent .
16 Allowing for those to be transferred to the higher and further education funding councils , that is equivalent to a cut of almost 50 per cent .
17 Mr. Peter Walker : Between June 1987 and January 1989 , seasonally adjusted unemployment has fallen in Wales by 40,900 , from 12.6 to 9.2 per cent. , a decrease of over 27 per cent .
18 The dominating influence of meteorological conditions on the ozone trend is highlighted by trends in emissions of VOCs ( involved in the formation of ozone ) since these emissions show a decrease of nearly 20 per cent during the 1980s .
19 The figure of over 40 per cent seems too high to be merely chance and he suggested that burials were being placed on boundaries , and that hence , because the dates of the burials were known from the types of grave goods , the boundaries must be of sixth- or seventh-century date at the latest .
20 Following the first oil shock , inflation rose from a figure of about 5 per cent in both countries in the early 1970s to an annual average of 16 per cent in Britain and 19 per cent in Spain in the period 1973–8 .
21 Ahidjo did not subsequently return to Cameroun , and in the presidential election of January 1984 Biya received a ‘ yes ’ vote of over 90 per cent , which most Camerounians considered to be a genuine indication of his underlying support .
22 A further referendum on the compact of free association with the USA , the seventh in nine years , was held in February 1990 , but delivered a " yes " vote of only 59.8 per cent , the lowest thus far recorded [ see p. 37251 ] .
23 Let us make the conservative assumption that CD-X follows the same trend but that by mid-decade it achieves a penetration of about 25 per cent of CD-A , rising to 60 per cent of CD-A by the year 2000 ( obviously much depends on when CD-X appears ! ) .
24 Following a first round of voting on April 26 in which no candidate won an absolute majority , Thomas Klestil , the Austrian People 's Party ( ÖVP ) candidate , was elected President with almost 57 per cent of the vote in a second round run-off on May 24 , with a majority in all nine Länder ( provinces ) , against Rudolf Streicher , 53 , the Social Democratic ( SPÖ ) Minister of Transport and Public Economy .
25 In the election for a senator for Buenos Aires , the capital , on June 28 the ruling Justicialist Party ( PJ-the Peronists ) suffered a serious defeat when Fernando de la Rúa of the main opposition Radical Civic Union ( UCR ) won the seat with nearly 50 per cent of the vote .
26 In 12 per cent of cases an unrepresented applicant faced an employer represented by a lawyer , while an unrepresented employer faced an employee represented by a lawyer in only five per cent of the cases ; when non-lawyer experts are included , this figure increases to nine per cent ( Genn and Genn , 1989 ) .
27 The Slovak National Party ( SNS ) saw its share of the vote collapse from nearly 14 per cent in the June Slovak National Council election to barely 3 per cent .
28 The CDU , led by the apparently undynamic Helmut Kohl , increased their vote to nearly 49 per cent and this restored their leading position in the country , but the SPD ( 43 per cent ) and FDP ( 8 per cent ) retained their majority in the Bundestag .
29 As early as the midsummer of 1992 , the Morgensavisen Jyllands Posten had put the anti-Maastricht vote at over 60 per cent .
30 Apart from Browne 's announcement that BP was increasing its North Sea investment by almost 10 per cent over the next three years , Shell outlined a scheme to spend £100 million refurbishing the Dunlin platform which will extend its economic life well into the next century .
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