Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [adv] on the " in BNC.

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1 My eyes were drawn to it as if the Officer had left part of himself here on the grass .
2 He must have been well placed to advance from the re-establishment of his supremacy over the Picts in 672 to the imposition of it also on the Scots , and an opportunity may have been provided when Domangart was slain in 673 and his nephew , Máeldúin , son of Conall Crandomna , became king .
3 Self-evaluation , no matter how carefully the staff and governors try to be objective , lacks the valuable insight of someone genuinely on the outside looking in .
4 In the 1990S it was the end of the road that started with living on credit like everyone else on the scale of everyone else , became slightly more extended than most and then wholly unmanageable .
5 The power of the platform 's weapons and the threat they posed was enough to give anyone pause for thought , but now they appeared somehow more lethal because they were unseen — concealed behind gunports which had been engineered to such fine tolerances that Rostov could detect no hint of them anywhere on the curved metal skin .
6 That , and the magnificent mane of chestnut-red hair that fell to her waist , was her only concession to what even on the discworld passed for decency .
7 Even from the kerb in the gloom the guard 's shrugs and humorously uplifted eyes are visible as he declines to telephone the duty officer , ring a British Committee office empty at this time of night , break the sacred sleep of anyone else on the telephone list .
8 ‘ I just caught sight of it there on the kitchen windowsill , hiding amongst the plants .
9 Theodora recalled its tensely held eye and mouth muscles : the face of someone perpetually on the verge of panic .
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