Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [modal v] [be] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To blame religion for what could be people 's failure to live up to it is not logical .
2 An indication of what would be Britain 's natural pattern of trade were she not in part restricted by her membership of the EEC is given by the fact that less than 20 per cent of her foreign investment currently goes to the countries of the EEC .
3 And the man who was on the boat with her must be suspect . ’
4 Yvonne glances at the pyramid with what might be contempt .
5 Chaired by a judge of the High Court or a higher court , it has 16 members , a majority of whom must be persons other than practising or academic lawyers .
6 A high proportion of them will be synonyms — if the file is 85 per cent packed , for example , 17 in every 20 would be expected to be synonyms — and this will lead to rapid deterioration of the file access speed .
7 Crime can not be controlled without confronting the issue of what should be crime ; and to say what should be crime is to say what should be controlled .
8 Gandhi actually recognizes the problem of relativity and acknowledges that what may be truth for one may be untruth for another .
9 If the matter is one the direct outcome of which may be trial of the applicant and his possible punishment for an alleged offence by a court claiming jurisdiction to do so , the matter is criminal .
10 Selling in bear markets to clients who have some inkling of it can be hell .
11 Any luck with you would be pot luck would n't it ?
12 The identification of clients ' presenting problems and the selection of suitable remedies require greater knowledge than this , the foundation of which must be research .
13 The window and the table/standard lamp behind you should be part of your furnishing scheme .
14 But this revolution in what must be Britain 's most valued public industry , is taking place in the market place .
15 As with every area of social welfare , practical intervention and the legal authority for it may be worlds apart in their nature and effects .
16 Our purpose remains to develop your company for the benefit of shareholders , together with employees , customers and suppliers — success for one will be success for all .
17 and this , this guy came for it and , obviously Lynn ca n't say , we do n't want to take a ma man on it 'll be sex discrimination .
18 And you eat in what is called messes so that you eat in a mess of four and the server comes in and puts a plate of it might be venison and a plate of which is a kind of erm corn and er in front of you .
19 £52.9 million will be paid in cash upon completion and the balance will be paid in the form of a loan note redeemable on 1st January 1994 , the maturity value of which will be £52.9 million .
20 Adam of Bremen reports that Cnut had intended Swegen to rule Norway , Harthacnut Denmark , and Harold England , and the Historia Regum attributed to Symeon of Durham that he made Harold the English king , but the Encomium says that he not only promised Emma that any son of hers should be heir , but later on oath pledged the whole kingdom subject to him to Harthacnut , who received oaths of loyalty from English nobles .
21 If you allowed for the shape of two paper-backs , between them and jutting from the end was a two-inch pack of what could be paper money .
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