Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [pron] [conj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 We always said that someone at the office called Jenkins had taken me to the local wine bar after work and we 'd run into some old girlfriend of his and Gillian who knew this girl vaguely was with her and we sort of got on immediately and made another date .
2 The big difference between it and option one is that the government would not be us ing social-security receipts to reduce its outstanding debt but would instead be making multi-trillion-dollar investment decisions in the private economy .
3 Nor would Nevton any better understand that on a deeper level he had tried to force Hope into himself or force himself in Hope and , despite initial success , discovered a fierce resistance .
4 Figaro 's moment of jealousy outside the pavilion ( ‘ Tutto e tranquillo e placido ’ ) becomes a moment of intimacy and repose for himself and Susanna which they never achieve in the opera .
5 Experienced volunteers thought that they should help with in-bureau tutoring ; among the few who knew what social policy work was , there were some who wanted to take more part in it and others who wanted more time to read in order to keep up to date .
6 He had this little stylophone with him and played both parts , because ‘ Space Oddity ’ was originally written as a duet for him and Hutch who was his partner in Feathers , the mixed media group , and when David split with Hermione , he and Hutch were working as a duet .
7 Slowly , she walked towards him , struggling to quell the alarm bells that were ringing inside her head , and she should have listened to them because the minute she was inside the room Damian closed the door behind him and double-locked it .
8 It has always been a source of amazement to me that anglers who are prepared to pay upwards of £100 for a rod and reel moan plaintively about the price of perhaps the most important item of tackle : the hook .
9 This argument can be formulated more quantitatively in a way that both helps with the understanding of it and shows what determines the width of the fingers .
10 If one sixth of the money invested and lost outside the Empire , in South America alone , for example , had been given to Ireland , there might have continued that cooperation between her and England which provided British history with Burke , Goldsmith , Wellington , Boyle , Roberts , French , Beatty and Carson .
11 Li Yuan watched the Marshal while he talked , barely referring to the folder in his lap , unless it was to take some diagram from it and hand it to Tolonen .
12 For example , I perceive this flower in front of me because light which has been reflected from it impinges on my retina and causes trains of nerve impulses to travel along the visual pathways to the visual cortex .
13 Black will take it swinging it in flicked on by Rozario and the goalkeeper made up for er what might have been an error a moment or two ago by coming bravely in with Pearce right in front of him and Rozario I mean on the flick .
14 Well , we 're anxious that there is n't an escalation of this crisis , that it may be dealed with as Brigadier Harbottle has written in a letter to the Guardian today , dealt with , er more through first of all an attempt by the Arab nations to come to some agreement amongst themselves and agreement which will satisfy them and be a more long-lasting one .
15 I expect that 's why it has n't been re-published , ‘ Hitler is doing wonderful things , ’ the old English craftsmen used to say , sharing their wisdom with me and Tolliday my mate .
16 Steve was a new face to me but Paul I already knew from playing football against him down at the Lillie Road recreation ground .
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