Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 He sees his life as some kind of a preparation for the day when the George Bushes and Margaret Thatchers of this world are dispatched to refine their political beliefs on welfare benefits in an urban slum .
2 ( 2 ) The subsection confers on the licensing board for the area where the premises to which an application relates are situated jurisdiction over the application .
3 It can order the charge to be effective : ( i ) as against an administrator and liquidator , if it is satisfied that the inaccuracy did not prejudice any unsecured creditor or that no person became an unsecured creditor during the period when the registered particulars were defective and ( ii ) as against a person who acquires an interest , if that person was not misled by the unregistered particulars .
4 Or was he addicted to the game Striker as a kid where the goalie adopted a similar position ( mine always seemed to do a Sprake and throw the ball back into my own net ) .
5 Yes , there 's always been a genuine interest in the Arts Association as a point where the university , those people involved in the university , can hear about what 's taking place in the arts and also participate in some aspects of the advisory panels .
6 In view of the high incidence of these arrangements in Leeds , and their adoption and dissemination during a period when the massive resourcing of PNP appeared to have little impact on reading test scores , it might be worth carefully pondering HMI 's finding , referred to towards the end of the previous chapter , that
7 Hedgehogs have neither the speed nor the manoeuvrability to catch rabbits but I have known them to kill the young in a stop , gaining entrance during the times when the doe has left the stop unsealed just before the young rabbits are moved out .
8 Consequently , all investors who had purchased Douglas Aircraft stock between the date when the defendant first traded and the date when the disclosure was finally made were prima facie eligible to bring a private action under Rule 10b-5 .
9 With the professors ' backing , disaffected St Petersburg students tried to set up a " free university " at the beginning of 1862 , but they gave up the attempt after a month when the government arrested a professor for lecturing in a supposedly provocative manner on the upcoming national millennium .
10 This was not necessary , however , in relation to the study of the atmosphere where the earlier emphasis upon climatic classification was gradually replaced by a shift towards the understanding of the surface energy and mass exchanges especially inland over vegetated surfaces ( Hare , 1973 ) .
11 This has serious implications for policy-makers , especially when they consider the future of the DRAs where the risks are greater and the margins more extreme .
12 We ran through the dark towards the place where the cries had come from .
13 The dead were carried in wicker coffins from Keld along the corpse road , stops being made along the way for food and drink , and every so often there were great " coffin stones " at the side of the way where the pallbearers could rest the body ( one such stone still stands at the side of Ivelet Bridge ) .
14 We walked down to a tank hangar on the far side of the camp where the mass was due to be held , and filed in to take our seats .
15 My eyes were on the far side of the valley where the track was clear and unbroken to the next turn above the main gorge .
16 When they came up the grassy track that led to the headland , out of the wood that clothed the side of the valley where the village was , the girl was delighted and her mother relieved that she liked it .
17 Yeah , it 's either the fence yeah , you know that white fence , either there or on the other side where those gold things are you know , or if we 're not there , go on the other side of the park where the other gold things are .
18 To hit all my bad shots down the side of the fairways where the lines of spectators are the deepest .
19 Harold explained that the house was empty , and at that moment a second fire engine arrived from Nidden , and started work at the side of the building where the flames seemed thickest .
20 Then you only have to estimate the relatively short distance up the side of the neck where the stitches are not on waste .
21 On one side of the hill are typical favela wooden construction type houses , the other side of the hill where the church is situated are stone built constructions interspersed with all other types of construction material they can get their hands on .
22 There was a glass-fronted office on one side of the entrance where the SPs sat and kept an eye on all departures .
23 The massive head , still with the marks at the side of the throat where the gills would have been , sighed .
24 Then there was a smaller room at the front of the house where the old man counted his money , and which he called his ‘ den ’ , and , to the rear of the house the kitchen , a large , well-designed place with windows on two sides ; one looking out to the side of the house where the undergrowth reached waist height , and the other two situated at each end of the wall that overlooked the rear garden .
25 Er who ran bus services from Gala to Selkirk and Melrose and er we sold out to them because we , the other side of the business where the private car side seemed to be growing .
26 A lidded box was nailed to the side of the cart where the scholarly or the rich could post written petitions for miracles .
27 Sidney lives out here on the eastern side of the town where the fish cellars used to be .
28 As regards guarantors , in the absence of any contrary indication in the lease , a guarantee does not extend to a period after the expiry of the term of the lease where the tenancy is being extended under s 24 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 .
29 The trapeze hangs lightly from a toggle , the toggle hangs from the end of a proper fishing line , the line passes over a springy pole to the door over the mouth of the basket where the little fish 's wriggling so free .
30 She had turned away from the food-processing factories and chemical plants spewing bilious yellow smoke to gaze towards the east , to the mouth of the Estuary where the river ran out into the North Sea .
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