Example sentences of "[noun sg] [prep] [adj] can be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Two other changes in the implementation of the Urban Programme after 1979 can be identified .
2 Only a general indication of this can be given here .
3 The effect of this can be seen on car 34 ( above ) , presenting a decidedly more modern appearance .
4 The effect of this can be seen as the compiled code for VAX is typically smaller than PDP-11 code .
5 The Gardener 's and Florist 's Dictionary of 1724 can be regarded as Philip Miller 's first contribution to garden literature .
6 A part of this can be credited to the team 's frugality .
7 Advantage of this can be taken by widely-held public companies to enable them temporarily to freeze the list of those who are entitled to receive an annual dividend or to vote at an annual general meeting .
8 When connected via the phono jacks , the signal level of these can be mixed in for playing along to some backing .
9 A fuller description of this can be found in the paperback edition of A Presumption of Innocence , so here I will confine myself to the main points .
10 Allows you to purchase one of three items — Seats ( initial ground capacity of 10,000 can be increased up to 40,000 ) , Security Cameras ( to avoid costly crowd violence ) , or a Coach And Youth Team ( allows players to join your squad from the youth team , also helps with training ) .
11 The extension of policy since the passing of the initial Monopolies and Restrictive Practices ( Inquiry and Control ) Act of 1948 can be seen as part of a gradual and continuous process , which has led , in what might be described as an eclectic or ad hoc manner , to the complex pattern of current legislation , culminating in the Competition Act of 1980 .
12 The relevance of this can be seen by considering the present religious force in Western culture , namely a humanism which finds its embodiment in liberalism .
13 The second half of this can be seen to coincide with the opinion of Chatterton which is expressed by Ackroyd 's Wilde : ‘ a strange , slight boy who was so prodigal of his genius that he attached the names of others to it . ’
14 A Rockwell System , illustrated below , can be constructed on any roof where a minimum fall of 1:40 can be achieved .
15 I shall examine this question in more detail in the chapters in Part 3 , but meanwhile we might consider briefly how different approaches to language pedagogy in general can be characterized in reference to this question .
16 I do not for my part think that any assistance at all can be gained from the authorities on section 40 of the Law of Property Act 1925 .
17 Similarly on ridges , the rope linking a team of four can be weaved from one side of the arête to the other and threaded behind rock spikes , to create natural running belays .
18 The importance of this can be seen from the fact that the Thirty Tyrants who seized power briefly in 404–3 BC decreed that only 3000 citizens should retain the right to trial , while all others could be summarily executed by government order .
19 The debate on overseas government expenditure in the crucial period leading up to the sterling crisis of 1947 can be characterized , in broad terms , as a battle between Dalton and Attlee on the one side , and Bevin and the service chiefs on the other .
20 While Barth had by no means worked through all the implications of this at the time of his controversy with Brunner , the disagreement which came into the open in 1934 can be seen in retrospect as foreshadowing the shape of his own future theology .
21 This work should start immediately so that a schedule for 1992 can be drawn up .
22 Knowledge of these can be used to extract information about the identity and health of the plants in it .
23 Evidence of this can be seen in the surprising number of items surviving from the late 19th and early 20th centuries , which one could be forgiven for thinking were only a few decades old .
24 Evidence of this can be seen in both Indian painting and architecture of the period , as well as in the rug designs , and Persian aesthetic ideals and compositions remain an integral part of Indian weaving to this day .
25 Facial expression is a rich source of information regarding the emotional state of the individual and some evidence of this can be found in the amount of space and time authors and playwrights give to describing the facial changes in their characters .
26 The interference of one surface with another can be reduced to handling only those sub-surfaces where possible interference exists .
27 It is therefore considered that the isolated incisors are approximately equally digested , and departure from this can be ascribed to sample error due to small sample size .
28 But the seeds of the artist 's powerful progress in the great decade from 1954 can be traced in other and lesser works throughout the exhibition .
29 The impact of this can be assessed by the diagram in Figure 4.1 ( which assumes 100 per cent funding from pupil numbers ) .
30 A prime example of that can be seen at Blidworth in my constituency .
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